The True Blue deposit is located on the west bank of Monashee Creek (previously known as the south fork of Cherry Creek) approximately 30 kilometres east of Lumby.
The area is underlain by volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Nicola Group. The bedding strikes northwest and dips slightly south. Lithologies comprise volcanics, tuffs and argillite.
Locally, mineralization has been exposed in several locations between the East Monashee workings and the North adit over a distance of approximately 450 metres. The mineralization comprises argentiferous galena, tetrahedrite or freibergite and sphalerite with quartz hosted in argillite, shale and slate. The mineralization is associated with west - north west– trending shear zones. Quartz at other localities in the area is not mineralized but the argillite in the footwall may host mineralization.
Assays were reportedly as high as 100,000 grams ($2000/ton) per tonne silver with some gold (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1877, page 405). In 1992, a well-mineralized grab sample taken from the dump assayed 0.625 gram per tonne gold, 306.9 grams per tonne silver and 6.52 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 22223).
In 2000, a rock sample (RA-320) from the main cut assayed 231.3 grams per tonne silver, 0.8 gram per tonne gold, 0.14 per cent copper, 0.24 per cent lead, and 0.1 per cent antimony over 0.3 metre (Assessment Report 26507).
The small silver lode was discovered in 1863 and a small amount of ore was raw-hided to the coast for processing in 1864 by Cherry Creek Silver Mining Co. In 1877, a "quartz ledge" was discovered on the opposite side of the creek from the original workings. The True Blue (Lot 254), Royal (Lot 255) and Batouche (Lot 256) claims were Crown granted to Hidden Treasure Mining Co. in 1889. By 1898, a tunnel 18 metres long was completed on the Hidden Treasure and Grand Times claims. In 1899, a 55-metre tunnel was located on the Grand Times claim. In 1905, a tunnel 15 metres long exposed "very rich" ore.
In 1991 and 1992, the workings were caved but mapping and sampling were conducted in the area of the old workings. In 2000, Little Mountain Resources completed a program of rock and soil sampling, geological mapping, trenching and ground electromagnetic and magnetic surveys.