The KL showing is located 1.6 kilometres north of the east end of Keefer Lake, about 72 kilometres east of Vernon.
The area is underlain by Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Nicola Group sedimentary and volcanic rocks. These have been intruded by quartz diorite dikes of the Jurassic Nelson Intrusions.
The claims are predominantly underlain by argillites. The argillites are hornfelsed near the intrusive dikes. Silica and pyrite content increase and the rock is increasingly bleached near the dikes. Near fault zones the argillite contains up to 3 per cent gypsum on fracture surfaces and some serpentinization is evident. At the southeastern corner, the claims are underlain by andesite.
Small, narrow, irregular quartz veins containing pyrite and small amounts of gold are hosted in the argillites. A sample of silicified hornfels with 30 per cent quartz veining and 2 per cent disseminated pyrite assayed 0.2 gram per tonne gold and 0.7 gram per tonne silver (Assessment Report 5279).
Work History
The claims were staked in 1973 and a preliminary geochemical soil survey was conducted by Ducanex Resources Ltd. In 1982, the claims were staked as the Keefer claim and a geochemical soil survey was completed by John McGoran for F. Marehard. In 1983, Demus Petro Corp. through Burton Consulting conducted a geochemical and heavy sediment sampling program. In 1984, soil and sediment sampling were completed for Demus Petro Corp. by Andreas Schildhorn. In 1985, the area was restaked as the Snow 1-4 claims and again in 1988 as the Snow I-III claims. In 1988, Ocean Crystal Resources conducted geological mapping, soil geochemistry and lithogeochemistry on the Snow claims. In 2017, Eagle Plains Resources Ltd. completed a program of soil sampling and a 470 line-kilometre airborne magnetic survey on the area as the Donna property. The following year, Pinnacle North Gold Corp. completed a minor program of soil and rock sampling on the property.