The Eureaka claim (082KSW171) is located on the south side of Caribou Creek, approximately 12 kilometres east of Burton.
The Eureaka Southeast adits are located approximately 400 metres southeast of the Eureaka adits and although the area is shown to be underlain by similar lithologies (Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 161) there is no information regarding the Eureaka Southeast occurrence. A grab sample of quartz vein material containing galena and sphalerite found on the old dumps assayed 720 grams per tonne silver and 7.9 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 16967). The area is located near the contact between mafic volcanic rocks and clastic metasedimentary rocks (argillites and quartzites), both of which are part of the Triassic Slocan Group.
No information is available on the early history of the property. The Eureaka Southeast adits were re-discovered during a prospecting program in 1987 (Assessment Report 16967). During 1977 and 1988 programs of soil geochemistry (265 samples analysed for lead, zinc, silver, arsenic, gold and tungsten), magnetometer and VLF-EM surveying (7.4 kilometres), prospecting, roadbuilding (0.2 kilometre) and trenching (125 metres in 3 trenches) were completed (Assessment Reports 16967 and 18344).