The Zephyr showing is located on the eastern side of Robb Creek at 1310 metres elevation, 1.5 kilometres southwest of its confluence with the Kaslo River. Kaslo, British Columbia is 22.5 kilometres to the southeast.
The hostrocks of the Zephyr showing are argillite, phyllite, quartzite, slate and limestone of the Triassic Slocan Group. Bedding has a general northwest strike and moderate to steep southwest dips. Phyllite and slate are the most abundant rock types. Quartz feldspar porphyry dikes and sills are common within the Slocan Group and are common at the showing. Slocan strata has been locally tightly folded.
Rocks exposed by dozer trenching at the Zephyr showing are thinly bedded, silty argillites interbedded with a few thin limestone beds. Bedding has a strike of 125 degrees and a dip of 45 degrees to the southwest. A 2.5-metre wide quartz feldspar porphyry sill in argillites, outcrops near the showing.
The Zephyr showing consists of numerous calcite, siderite stringers in limestone and small pockets of replacement by siderite, quartz, sphalerite and galena. Galena and calcite-filled fractures were also noted in the limestone.