The Revenue showing is located on the eastern slopes of a prominent ridge separating Whitewater and Lyle creeks. Kaslo, British Columbia is located about 25 kilometres to the southeast.
Silver-lead-zinc mineralization occurs in the Triassic Slocan Group, locally consisting primarily of black fissile phyllites with interbedded limestone, calcareous phyllites and brown gritty quartzites. The general structural trend is 310 degrees, dipping generally southwesterly. Greenstones and ultramafic rocks of the Permian Kaslo Group unconformably underlie the Slocan Group to the east, also hosting silver-lead-zinc mineralization. Satellite stocks, dikes and sills are generally correlative with the Nelson batholith to the immediate south. Late stage lamprophyre dikes are also common. The Revenue showing is hosted predominantly by slaty, carbonaceous shales and interbedded quartzite and limestone of the Triassic Slocan Group. Mineralization at the showing consists of quartz-calcite-siderite veins with sphalerite, tetrahedrite and argentite.