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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  18-Sep-2007 by Mandy N. Desautels (MND)

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NMI 082K3 Ag19
Name LINCOLN (L.1413), LINCOLN GROUP, CELEBRATION (L.1414), DEATHS HEAD (L.2178) Mining Division Slocan
BCGS Map 082K005
Status Past Producer NTS Map 082K03E
Latitude 050º 00' 29'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 117º 07' 16'' Northing 5539533
Easting 491322
Commodities Silver, Lead Deposit Types J01 : Polymetallic manto Ag-Pb-Zn
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Lincoln is a small past producer located on the south side of Robb Creek, a tributary of the Kaslo River. It is 22.5 kilometres west-northwest of Kaslo, British Columbia.

Hostrocks of the Lincoln occurrence are metasediments of the Triassic Slocan Group. Mineralization is limestone-hosted where fissures intersect a 15-metre thick limestone bed and overlying slates. Ore consists of galena and lead carbonates carrying good silver values. The gangue is heavily decomposed and iron oxide stained.

Workings consisted of an adit and surface exploration. Attempts to crosscut this zone at depth were unsuccessful. Two years of recorded production, 1918 and 1922, yielded 50 tonnes ore containing 82,143 grams silver and 26,248 kilograms lead. Additionally, 33 to 44 tonnes of clean galena and some carbonate ore were extracted during the summer of 1918 (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1918, page 164). A forest fire completely destroyed the camp buildings in 1925.

EMPR AR 1894-737; 1897-572; *1918-162; 1919-122; 1920-122; 1922-194;
GSC MAP 1667
GSC MEM *173, Map 273A; *184, p. 229
GSC OF 432; 464