The Vera prospect is located on the east side of a south tributary of the Kaslo River, opposite Lyle Creek. Kaslo, British Columbia lies 23 kilometres to the east-southeast.
Underlying lithologies of the Vera prospect are slaty argillite and limestone of the Triassic Slocan Group. These rock types, striking 360 degrees and dipping at low angles up to 30 degrees, are cut by a quartz porphyry dike.
Workings at the Vera prospect consist of two adits roughly 15 vertical metres apart. In the lower adit, a series of fractures are exposed striking 210 degrees and dipping steeply to the northwest. Mineralization consists of massive pods of coarse-cubed galena where fracture fillings intersect a thick limestone bed. The upper adit, driven along a southwest trending 1.5 to 1.8 metre wide shear in overlying slates, contained no visible mineralization.
A sample from near the portal in 1926 yielded 1 gram per tonne gold, 2036 grams per tonne silver, 59.4 per cent lead and 3.6 per cent zinc (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1926, page 263).