The Kellie Creek showing is reported by B. Oakey to be an almost identical occurrence of similar grade with that of the United Victory showing, 082KNW198. It is located north of Kellie Creek about 3.2 kilometres north of Boyd Creek where the Lower Cambrian Badshot Formation limestone and granite sill are continuous. Both of these rock types appear to pass under the alluvium of the valley floor some distance north of Kellie Creek before the main body of the Battle Range batholith is reached.
The Kellie Creek showing is reported to be similar to the United Victory occurrence. The United Victory is described by M.S. Hedley as a sill-like body of granite about 61 metres wide which follows steeply dipping Lower Cambrian Badshot Formation limestone on a northwesterly strike. The limestone dips west at about 70 degrees, and the granite cuts the bedding only locally. Skarn is developed on the downhill or hangingwall granite contact for a thickness of 0.6 to 2.4 metres; this is garnetite for the most part but there is also locally a silicification and a patchy development of coarse, dark green pyroxene and some epidote. There is very little sulphide in the skarn, molybdenite being the most abundant. Scheelite is present throughout the skarn, though varying greatly in quantity.