The Adventure showing area is underlain by interbedded Cambrian to Devonian Lardeau Group limestones and grey or green phyllites. Also present are graphitic phyllites, argillites, quartzites, phyllitic schists, calcareous quartzose schists and greenstone. Bedding and/or foliation strike from 297 to 320 degrees with steep northeast dips. The rocks are cut by discordant quartz veins which range in width from 1 to 91 centimetres and generally strike east and northeast with vertical dips. An equal number of quartz veins, veinlets and stringers are conformable with bedding and often take the form of tight isoclinal folds.
Vein #2201 can be traced as a boulder train trending 095 degrees with 1 to 10 centimetre lensy, discontinuous criss-crossing quartz veins containing pyrite and hosted in phyllite and schist. A grab sample assayed 2.1 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 17436).
In the 1920s, the McIntosh Brothers had four claims staked on showings of oxidized, siliceous pyritic material that form prominent outcrops. The four claims were held for their gold values which are low but appreciable. In 1983, the Adventure claim was staked to cover the area described in the 1920s and in early 1984 Lacana Mining conducted a brief program of geological mapping and sampling. In 1987, rock sampling, prospecting and geological mapping was carried out on behalf of Skylark Resources Ltd.