The Red Horse property is part of the Meridian property (082KNW064). The Red Horse claim is situated on Pool Creek 2.4 kilometres upstream from Camborne. The principal vein consists mostly of quartz and has been traced for a distance of 60 metres up the mountain side by a series of open cuts, trenches and an adit. The host rock is phyllite (Broadview Formation of the Lower Paleozoic Lardeau Group) striking 135 degrees, dipping vertically. The most prominent joint set strikes 045 degrees and dips 80 degrees northwesterly; a weaker set dips 15 degrees northwesterly. At the adit, the vein strikes 155 degrees, dips 70 degrees northeast and is divided by a median seam of phyllite into a 2.4-metre wide footwall section and a 1.8-metre wide hangingwall section. Sampling across the hanging wall section assayed trace gold and 20.5 grams per tonne silver. Sampling of the foot wall section assayed 0.7 gram per tonne gold, and 82 grams per tonne silver (Annual Report 1914, page 258).
Westmin Resources Inc. sampled the adit in 1983.