The St. Joe (Lot 5675) is part of the Meridian property (082KNW064) and is 732 metres south of the Oyster vein (082KNW065). A northwest striking vein is 1.5 metres wide and carries galena. Underlying rocks are assigned to the Broadview Formation of the Lower Paleozoic Lardeau Group.
In 1899, it was reported that the St. Joe Group of three claims was on a vein parallel with the Conmore group, and had “a very fair” surface showing. The St. Joe Crown grant (Lot 5675) was issued in 1905 to W.J. Butler. It was reported in 1914 that on the St. Joe claim, there was a continuation of the quartz vein that had been opened up just above the Poole Creek trail on what is known as the Red Horse (082KNW063). In 1934 the St. Joe was held along with a number of adjacent claims by the Meridian Mining Company Ltd. In 1988, Granges Exploration conducted an exploration program over a group of claims adjacent to the St. Joe area. One of the Granges geochemical maps show the claim along with gold geochemistry lines and values. Two quartz veins and an adit are marked on the Granges map in the lower southwest corner of the claim.