The DA 7 occurrence is located northeast of Palmer Bar Creek, approximately 1400 metres north of the community of Lumberton.
The area is underlain by clastic rocks of the Helikian Purcell Supergroup. The units are dominantly siliclastic sedimentary rocks of the Lower and Middle Aldridge formations.
Locally, as identified by drilling, a 17.5-metre-thick section of Sullivan Horizon, primarily argillites interbedded with silty argillites and rare siltstone beds with weak biotite and sericite alteration, hosts disseminations and fine laminations of pyrrhotite, fine specks of sphalerite and traces of galena.
In 2004, a diamond drill hole (DA04-1) intersected 0.5 metre, from 995.0 to 995.5 metres, averaging 0.032 per cent lead and 0.117 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 27873).
In 1967, Placid Oil completed a ground electromagnetic survey in the area (Assessment Reports 1207).
The area of the DA Vent property (082GNW067) was previously held by Cominco Ltd. Specific details of Cominco’s exploration work near the DA Vent is unknown. In 1978, Cominco completed a program of geological mapping on the area in conjunction with the Vine 1 occurrence (082GSW050) (Assessment Reports 7087). In 1991, Cominco completed a 9.3 line-kilometre ground electromagnetic survey on the area as the Vine 42 claim (Assessment Reports 21827). In 1993, Cominco completed a 23.2 line-kilometre ground electromagnetic survey in the area (Assessment Reports 23134). Ascot Resources Ltd., mapped and sampled west of the area in 1998 and 1999 (Assessment Report 25783, 26131). In 2000 and 2001, Super Group Holding completed geological mapping in the area (Assessment Reports 26480, 26724). In 2004, Klondike drilled one hole, totalling 1224.4 metres, at the DA Vent property where a thickened and mineralized sequence was intersected (Assessment Reports 27873).
In 2013/2014, PJX Resources Inc began a large program of gravity and magnetic geophysical surveying to detect dense subsurface features (Assessment Reports 34082, 34937, 35416). The gravity survey extended 10 kilometres beyond the West Basin property claim boundaries encompassing several MINFILE occurrences including the Da 7 showing (Figure 8, Assessment Report 34082).