The Pee Pee 55 showing is located about 28 kilometres southwest of Cranbrook and 12 kilometres west of Moyie Lake.
At the Pee Pee 55 showing, galena mineralization is directly related to contact metamorphic conditions at the contact of a diorite sill with Helikian Aldridge Formation (Purcell Supergroup) quartzites and argillites. Mineralization weakens with increasing distance away from the contact of the diorite with the host rocks. The diorite is also host to some chlorite and muscovite alteration. Analysis over a section 1.8 by 0.3 metres assayed 0.06 per cent lead, 0.1 per cent zinc, and 2.7 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 1063).
In 1966 and 1967, Cominco Ltd. conducted an exploration program consisting of the collection of 560 soil samples and 1500 hectares of geological mapping over their Pee Pee claim group (Assessment Report 1063). This work led to the discovery of the Pee Pee (082GSW038), Pee Pee 50 (082GSW042), and Pee Pee 55 (082GSW043) showings.
In 1996, the Henny claim group of 8 claims were staked a few kilometres south of the McNeil Creek headwaters and about 1 kilometre east of the Ridgeway Creek headwaters (Assessment Report 25051). The claims were staked on behalf James Ryley. Field mapping and sampling of the central portion of the Henny claims was completed by Kennecott Canada. The Pee Pee 55 (082GSW043) was located near the common boundary of Henny 4 and Henny 6 and within the 1996 fieldwork area. It was reported that no mineralization was found independent of the 2 MINFILE occurrence (one being Pee Pee 55). It is probable that the other MINFILE occurrence was Pee Pee 50 (082GSW042) which occurs about 500 metres to the northeast of the Henny claims.
Refer to Pee Pee 50 (082GSW042) and McNeil Creek (082GSW024) for related geological information and work history.