The BBX occurrence is located on the western side of Sandown Creek, approximately 2.9 kilometres north west of the creek mouth on the Skookumchuck River.
The area is underlain by the Mesoproterozoic Purcell Supergroup, a thick succession of fine-grained
terrigenous clastic, carbonate, and very minor volcanic rocks exposed in the core of the Purcell Anticlinorium
Locally, a vein contains coarsely crystalline, relatively pure barite, with some traces of malachite, and occurs within a highly sheared argillite of the Helikian Dutch Creek Formation (Purcell Supergroup). The vein strikes 010 degrees and dips 85 degrees west. The vein has been mapped for a distance of 180 metres with an average width of 1.2 metres and to a depth of at least 30 metres.
It may be an extension of the McIntosh vein (MINFILE 082GNW065) and associated with the Hall Lake fault to the west.
The material assays 87 to 92 per cent barium with a specific gravity of 4.14 (Assessment Report 6886). In 2011, specific gravity measurements on 5 barite samples ranged from 3.87 to 4.36 (Assessment Report 33243).
In 1981, diamond drilling yielded:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hole From To True Width Ba SiO2 Specific Gravity(No.) (m) (m) (m) (%) (%)DDH 1 7.83 13.53 1.2 53.08 4.9 4.19DDH 4 19.35 22.95 3.6 44.08 19.6 3.84 DDH 10 28.35 29.61 1.3 46.73 13.6 3.90DDH 11 37.41 39.72 2.3 35.55 N/A 3.60------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hole From To True Width Ba SiO2 Specific Gravity
(No.) (m) (m) (m) (%) (%)
DDH 1 7.83 13.53 1.2 53.08 4.9 4.19
DDH 4 19.35 22.95 3.6 44.08 19.6 3.84
DDH 10 28.35 29.61 1.3 46.73 13.6 3.90
DDH 11 37.41 39.72 2.3 35.55 N/A 3.60
(Assessment Report 9670)
A resource estimate, as calculated by G. Mason, yielded 35,627 tonnes averaging 90 per cent BaSO4 with a specific gravity of 4.36 (Assessment Report 33243).
During 1977 through 1979, Mountain Minerals completed a program geological mapping and geochemical sampling on the area. In 1980, a program of geochemical sampling and ground magnetometer and gravity surveys were completed. In 1981, BBX Exploration completed a 12 hole diamond drilling program, totalling 427.8 metres. In 2011, the area was prospected by J.T. Shearer, on the behalf of Homegold Resources.