The Try Again showing is located along Herbert Creek, approximately 25 kilometres northeast of Kimberley.
Regionally, the area is underlain by Proterozoic clastic Purcell metasediments intruded by syngenetic gabbro and diorite sills and dykes of the Moyie intrusions and later intrusions of felsic and lamprophyre suites.
At the Try Again showing, a strong east-striking fault zone with a 40 degree north dip is strongly brecciated with quartz, forming the matrix to sedimentary fragments that have been partially replaced by quartz. The quartz matrix carries considerable chalcopyrite and pyrite with galena and hematite. The breccia zone is up to approximately 1 metre thick within Helikian Fort Steele Formation (Purcell Supergroup) quartzites.
A 4 kilogram specimen sent to the Paris Exposition in 1900 assayed approximately 22 per cent copper (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1899). Minor tungsten was indicated in later assays but no specific mineral was identified.
In 2012, Klondike Gold Corp. completed prospecting at the Try Again workings and the surrounding area. Highlights include rock sample MKKG-23, taken from dump material that assayed 1.39 grams per tonne gold, 18.9 grams per tonne silver and 0.57 per cent lead, and sample MKKG-29, which assayed 1.66 per cent copper and 36.5 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 33471).