The Kootenay-Selkirk occurrence consists of irregular lenses and veins of quartz and calcite up to 1 metre wide. They are hosted by quartzites and argillites of the Helikian Lower Aldridge Formation (Purcell Supergroup) and are close to a diorite sill of the Proterozoic Moyie Intrusions. The showing is within a fracture system associated with the upper part of the sill. Pyrite, galena and traces of chalcopyrite occur at the junction of a set of parallel and en echelon quartz-calcite veins and a set of narrow quartz stringers which link the former.
During 2005 through 2009, Ruby Red Resources Inc. completed programs of rock and soil sampling, geological mapping, trenching and a 4.5 line-kilometre ground electromagnetic (VLF) survey on the area. In 2010 and 2011, the area was explored as a part of the Dewdney Trail Gold project of PJX Resources Inc. Past exploration efforts on the showing included prospecting, soil geochemistry, rock sampling, VLF-EM, magnetic surveys, IP surveys, hand trenching, and diamond drilling.