The BigBoy claims are located on the north western spur of Mount Neptune, approximately 15.5 kilometres southwest of Castlegar. No historical records of work exist for the property but numerous historic workings are noted on the property.
Regionally, the area is underlain by a sequence of Pennsylvanian- to Permian-aged Mount Roberts Formation meta-sediments along the north eastern margin of the Jurassic aged Mackie pluton. The meta-sediments consist primarily of thinly bedded schistose units inter-bedded with more quartzite units. Variable amounts of disseminated iron sulphides, pyrite and pyrrhotite occur throughout these units. Medium- to coarse-grained massive textured granite of the Mackie pluton are also noted.
Historical workings on the property are centred on a zone of massive sulphide mineralization, composed of massive pyrite, pyrrhotite and minor chalcopyrite accompanied with pink and green garnet skarn. The mineralization is hosted by a coarsely re-crystallized limestone unit. Locally, minor amounts of fractured controlled galena and sphalerite mineralization are noted in a weakly calc-silicate–altered quartzite unit.
In 2006, Astral Mining Corporation conducted a helicopter-borne geophysical (electromagnetic) survey on the area as a part of the JJ property.
Grab samples, taken during 2007, returned a maximum of 2900 parts per million copper from the massive sulphide zone and anomalous values in lead and zinc, more than 10,000 parts per million, from the calc-silicate altered quartzite unit (Assessment Report 29331).