The Allouez (Lost Cabin) occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1280 metres on a northeast-trending ridge separating Hellroaring Creek to the west and the Salmo River to the east.
Regionally, the area is underlain by basaltic volcanic rocks of the Elise Formation and fine clastic sedimentary rocks of the Hall Formation, both of the Lower Jurassic Rossland Group, and undivided sedimentary rocks of the Cambrian Laib Formation. To the south these have been intruded by granodioritic rocks of the Cretaceous Anstey pluton.
Locally, former workings expose a sheared, decomposed augite porphyry of the Elise Formation of the Lower Jurassic Rossland Group. The shear or fault zone averages 0.5 metre in width, with a strike of 233 degrees and a dip of 60 degrees northwest. The zone is erratically mineralized with quartz-carbonate veins, varying from a few centimetres to 0.75 metre in width, that contain disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite mineralization with malachite, azurite and goethite alteration minerals. Breccia zones occur within the shear along with gouge zones on the hangingwall and footwall of the shear. The vein is located west of the Cretaceous Anstey pluton and is possibly related to the Waneta fault. The pluton is composed of granite and granodiorite.
A sample from an opencut is reported to grade 2.74 grams gold, 425.2 grams silver, and 6.1 per cent copper (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1922, page 208).
In 1991, a 0.50-metre channel sample (536) taken 5 metres from the drift portal assayed 0.206 per cent copper and 11.7 grams per tonne silver, whereas a 0.6-metre channel sample (540) taken 20 metres from the drift portal assayed 0.194 per cent copper (Assessment Report 22067).
By 1922, a 100-metre long drift and at least one opencut had been developed along the mineralized shear zone.
During 1985 through 1990, programs of geological mapping, minor surface trenching and portal rehabilitation were completed. In 1991, Noranda Mining and Exploration Inc. soil and rock sampled the area as the Lisa 1-4 claims. In 1996, the area was prospected as the Sar 1-7 claims.