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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  13-Mar-2007 by Nicole Robinson (NR)

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NMI 082F4 U1
Name MOTA, CHINA CREEK, U3, GENELLE Mining Division Trail Creek
BCGS Map 082F022
Status Showing NTS Map 082F04E
Latitude 049º 14' 00'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 117º 42' 14'' Northing 5453633
Easting 448757
Commodities Uranium Deposit Types O02 : Rare element pegmatite - NYF family
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Undivided Metamorphic Assembl.
Capsule Geology

The property is located on China Creek on the west side of the Columbia River 11.2 kilometres north of Trail, close to the main Highway.

Prospector Murray Swetz, of Vancouver, is reported to have obtained high scintillometer counts in the area in December 1967. He staked claims which were optioned to Calix Mines Ltd. in 1968. Norex Uranium Ltd. in 1968 acquired options on 66 claims in 3 groups in the same general area. Norex purchased a 50 per cent interest in 24 claims, the Atom 17-22 inclusive and Mota 1-18 inclusive, for $48,500 from Prospector Matthew Pritchard, of Edmonton, by an agreement dated May 1969. The company carried out prospecting, trenching, and diamond drilling at a cost of $9,162. Hogan Mines Ltd. in 1968 optioned 20 claims in the area from Prospector M. MacDougall of Nelson, who had conducted an airborne scintillometer survey over the area.

Silver Arrow Explorations Ltd. held a 20 claim uranium prospect in the area in 1968. The company in 1970 amalgamated with Buttle Lake Mining Company Limited under the name Stampede International Resources Ltd.

Subsequent events are lacking. Five companies: Golden Granite Mines Limited, Groundstar Resources Limited, Nevex Mines Ltd., Nomad Mines Ltd. and Tandem Resources Ltd. in January 1977 formed China Creek Uranium Consortium Inc, to consolidate 78 units covering 4,800 acres in the area. Stampede International Resources Ltd. and Northwest Ventures Ltd. agreed to provide joint financing in return for share interests in China Creek Uranium. Work in 1977 included Preliminary scintillometer, geochemical, and radon gas detection surveys, trenching, and percussion drilling in 51 holes to depths of 15.2 to 30 metres. The drilling was done in two areas, the Oko Poko Hill on the northeast side of China Creek, and on the southwest side of China Creek opposite Oko Poko Hill.

Coarse-grained feldspar and quartz are the dominant minerals in layered, shallow-dipping pegmatoid horizons of the Late Cretaceous Castlegar Gneiss Complex (possibly the metamorphic equivalent of the Pennsylvanian to Permian Mount Roberts Formation). Euhedral and subhedral grains of pitchblende, up to 1 millimetre across, occur in the pegmatites. The best assay result was about 0.02 per cent uranium across a thickness of 45 centimetres (Skerl, 1968).

Several radioactive occurrences lie to the west of this showing.

EMPR AR *1968-239
EMPR ASS RPT *6006, 6702, 7609, 7794
EMPR EXPL 1976-35; 1978-52; *1979-58,59
EMPR FIELDWORK 1987, pp. 19-30; 1988, pp. 33-43; 1990, pp. 9-31
EMPR OF 1988-1; 1989-11; 1990-8; 1990-9; 1991-2; 1991-16
EMPR PF (*082FSW212 07-Special Report 1968, by Dr. A.C. Skerl: Norex
Uranium Limited, China Creek Property; Nomad Mines Ltd., Property
Evaluation, 1977; Tandem Resources Ltd., Property Evaluation, 1976; Letter and map on Energy 2000 claim, 1978)
EMR MP CORPFILE (China Creek Uranium Consortium Inc.; Norex Resources
Ltd.; Stampede International Resources Ltd.; Golden Granite Mines
Limited; Tandem Resources Ltd.; Hogan Mines Ltd.)
GSC EC GEOL #16 (Rev.), p. 232
GSC MAP 7-1962; 23-1963; 1090A; 1504A
GSC OF 551
GSC P 79, pp. 26,154
GCNL #25, Mar.14, #201, 1977; #19,#25,#49,#122,#135,#200,#236, 1978
N MINER Feb. 16, 1978
Bates, D.V.; Murray, J.W.; Raudsepp, V. (1980): Royal Commission of
Inquiry, Health and Environmental Protection, Uranium Mining,
Vol. 1, p. 35
EMPR PFD 3286, 3287, 3288, 3289, 3290, 3291, 3292, 680140