The Elise occurrence is located 8 kilometres northeast of Ymir on the Elise claim Lot 1310. The vein has been investigated by about 150 metres of underground workings.
Argillites and phyllites of the Lower Jurassic Ymir Group are host to northeast-trending quartz veins carrying minor amounts of base and precious metals. The sediments strike 330 degrees and dip 70 to 85 degrees north. Granitic dikes of the Middle to Late Jurassic Nelson Intrusions have been noted in the area.
The Elise vein, approximately 1 metre wide, is hosted in sheared sediments. Mineralization consists of pyrite, minor native silver and lesser amounts of pyrrhotite, galena, sphalerite and trace chalcopyrite. Minor malachite is present as a secondary sulphide. Some silicification of the country rock in the vicinity of the vein-shear zone is reported. The vein strikes 54 degrees and dips steeply northwest.
Surface workings, an adit and a shaft were located in 1896 and 5 tonnes of material were shipped, producing 9331 grams of silver.
In 1984, Stan A. Endersby and Donald G. Allen completed a small soil and rock sampling program in the area. Highlights include rock sample 64373, which assayed 15.94 grams per tonne gold, 208.3 grams per tonne silver, 0.26 per cent lead and 0.12 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 13895).
In 1985, Stan A. Endersby and Donald G. Allen conducted prospecting, soil sampling and a VLF-EM geophysical survey.
In 2018, Margaux Resources Ltd. optioned the property and completed a program of historical data compilation, re-logging of select core from the 2004-2005 drilling program, minor prospecting and rock sampling. The option was dropped in 2019.
In 2020, Rockland Resources Ltd. optioned the property and completed a program of prospecting, geological mapping, geochemical (rock, silt and soil) sampling and an airborne (drone) magnetic survey on the area as the Old Timer property. A dump sample (13616) from the Elise shaft assayed 2.34 grams per tonne gold and 467.00 grams per tonne silver (Caron, L. [2020-12-02]: National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report on the Old Timer Property, Nelson Mining Division, Southern British Columbia, Canada).