The Commodore occurrence is located on the south side of Wildhorse Creek, 9.6 kilometres east of Ymir. Workings comprise tunnels, trenching, drifting and drilling.
The area is underlain by porphyritic granite of the Late to Middle Jurassic Nelson Intrusions (Nelson batholith). The Nelson batholith hosts pendants of Lower Jurassic Ymir Group sediments comprising siltstone, sandstone, argillite and conglomerate.
A discontinuous quartz vein and/or veinlets trend generally north and parallel the trend of the schists dipping steeply west. The vein varies from massive quartz up to 2 metres wide to two small, barren quartz veinlets hosted by schists and in part by the granitic intrusive. Locally, massive sulphides are reported but gold and silver values are not economically significant. Ruby silver (pyrargyrite) has been reported as well as traces of tetrahedrite.