The Udiville property is located at approximately 1067 metres elevation on the east side of Bennett Creek, a north-flowing tributary of Sheep Creek, 10 kilometres southeast of Salmo.
The property, including the Udiville, Udiville No. 2 and Udiville No. 1 claims (Lots 15851-15853 respectively), was owned by J. Sapples of Salmo. Exploration and development work to 1928 included open cuts, a shallow prospect shaft inclined at 55 degrees, and an adit driven 3 metres easterly at shallow depth; no mineralization was found in the adit.
Mentor Exploration and Development Co., Limited acquired the property in 1977. Magnetic and geochemical soil surveys were carried out; the magnetic survey outlined a moderately sharp anomaly on the northwest corner of the Udiville claim.
A synclinal structure of Lower to Middle Ordovician Active Formation argillites and Lower Cambrian Laib Formation carbonates is intruded by granite of the Middle to Late Jurassic Nelson Intrusions. Within the Reeves Member limestone of the Lower Cambrian Laib Formation is an area of disseminated sphalerite, galena and pyrite mineralization within dolomitized limestone away from the granitic intrusive. The irregularly mineralized zone has widths of up to 1.8 metres. A sample across 1.4 metres assayed 0.34 grams gold, 13.7 grams silver, 0.4 per cent lead and 10.8 per cent zinc. Another sample collected from a trench in 1983 assayed 15.2 per cent lead, 3.89 per cent zinc and 4.0 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 11662).
Upslope from the lead-zinc mineralization is an outcrop of garnet-diopside skarn in limestone next to the granite contact where there is minor disseminated scheelite and molybdenite.