The Royal showings are located southwesterly from the Valparaiso (082FSE038) by about 0.5 kilometre, between 800 and 950 metres elevation on the north side of Ginol Creek, a small stream flowing down the steep east side of Kootenay Lake, 2 kilometres north of Sanca.
The geology is as described for the Valparaiso (082FSE038) - a quartz vein is hosted in biotite granite and granodiorite of the middle Cretaceous Bayonne batholith. The vein strikes northerly and dips to the east, and has been exposed intermittently over 200 metres; the dip varies to almost flat in places. The width of the vein is about 0.7 metre, and an average sample in one location assayed 1.1 per cent lead, 0.7 per cent zinc, 10 grams per tonne silver and trace gold; elsewhere, assays up to 140 grams per tonne silver and 0.7 gram per tonne gold, 38.9 per cent lead and 0.6 per cent zinc were obtained over picked widths of 45 centimetres (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1927). Galena is the only sulphide described, but sphalerite is assumed to be present as well from the assay results.