The Country Girl showings are located at close to high water mark on the east shore of Kootenay Lake, 0.5 kilometre south of Columbia Point. The showings are within granite of the Bayonne batholith of middle Cretaceous age. Just above high water there is an old tunnel driven easterly along a silicified fracture zone; sparsely disseminated pyrite, galena and sphalerite are associated with the quartz and penetrating the country rock in places. Just below the waterline there is reported to be a showing 1.2 metres wide of quartz containing disseminated galena; a sample from the dump near this showing assayed 79 grams per tonne silver, 1 gram per tonne gold, 11.2 per cent lead and 0.8 per cent zinc (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1926, page 286). A short distance southerly along the lakeshore, opencuts expose a quartz vein striking northerly, 45 to 60 centimetres wide, with irregular disseminated galena.