This property is located at the extreme headwater area of Scorpion Creek, at an elevation of 1300 metres, 4.5 kilometres northeast of Slocan. Access to the property is from the Slocan highway via a switchbacked logging road on the northwest slope of Ottawa Hill. The Republic (082FNW168) lies to the southwest. Adit locations are shown on Geological Survey of Canada Map 272A.
The Northern Light was located in 1902 and Crown granted (Lot 11130) in 1916. Little is known about this property other than it is underlain by coarse grained, porphyritic Nelson granite. The only development work is two short adits from which there is no known ore production.
International Cherokee Development and Manny Consultants conducted geochemical and geophysical surveys over the S and R claims between 1983 and 1986.