The Tamarac group comprises the Tamarack No. 2 (Lot 6054), Falls View No. 2, and Essie claims and fractions located on the north slope of the valley of Springer Creek, west of the Ottawa mine (082FNW155), 4 kilometres northeast of Slocan. Access is east from the Slocan highway along an all weather Springer Creek logging road to the Ottawa mine road which turns north. A good logging road extends from the Ottawa mine road westward to Algiers Creek and the Tamarac property.
The Tamarac mine workings are about 275 metres above Springer Creek and include three adits driven at vertical intervals of 24 metres on a shear zone cutting coarse grained, porphyritic Nelson granite following and easterly strike, dipping 25 to 35 degrees south. The principal mineralization is quartz, associated with minor amounts of calcite and barite, carrying galena, sphalerite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and tetrahedrite. Silver values in the ore are generally associated with tetrahedrite - the galena reportedly carries low silver.
The Tamarac property was worked extensively beginning in 1905. In the uppermost adit the lode was drifted on for more than 60 metres. On No. 2 level, lenses of mineralized quartz, up to 0.6 metre wide, are interspersed with barren intervals. Near the portal, the main ore shoot was followed for a length of 9 metres and was stoped to a point 14 metres above No. 1 adit. The No. 3 level is about 122 metres long where, at the face, an east dipping, metre- wide fault zone is intersected, cutting off the lode.
Although the ore zones on the Tamarac strike almost at right angles to the trend of mineralized at the Ottawa mine, the style of mineralization is similar on these adjoining properties. Total production from the Tamarac mine up to the end of 1907 amounts to 83 tonnes of ore grading 4436 grams per tonne silver and 10.2 per cent lead.