The Cat Fraction showing is located at 366 metres elevation on the eastern slopes of Mount Kruger on the east side of the California (Lot 1907s) Reverted Crown grant, 2.25 kilometres southeast of Osoyoos, British Columbia. The Dividend-Lakeview past producer (082ESW001) lies 1.5 kilometres to the northwest.
Little information is available on the early history of the Cat Fraction claim. Previous to 1964, Sheep Creek Mines conducted an unknown amount of drilling on the Cat Fraction. In 1964, work was conducted by Noranda Exploration Co. Ltd. In 1968, Granby Mining Company Limited conducted further exploration in the vicinity. In 1986, and 1987, Markus Resources Inc. conducted extensive exploration in the Dividend-Lakeview area.
The regional geology of the Dividend-Lakeview area consists of medium to coarse-grained granodiorite of the composite Middle Jurassic Similkameen batholith. To the west this includes alkali syenite and nepheline syenite of the Kruger intrusion. The Fairview intrusion outcrops to the north. The Similkameen intrusion extends from 10 kilometres north of the Canada-United States border, south into Washington state. The granodiorite is grey-green, medium to coarse grained and dominantly composed of quartz, plagioclase and hornblende. The Similkameen batholith has intruded metasediments and metavolcanics of the Carboniferous to Permian Kobau Group. Intensely folded and metamorphosed quartzite, greenstone, phyllite, chlorite or mica schist with intercalations of dioritic rocks and sparse limestone lenses comprise lithologies. To the west lie a series of highly sheared schists, greenstones and quartzites known informally as the Kruger schists. The greenstone has been highly sheared in many areas associated with emplacement of the Similkameen intrusion and other intrusions. Shear zones strike southeast and dip moderately to steeply northeast and southwest. Local variations occur however.
The Cat Fraction showing is hosted by Osoyoos granodiorite, a satellite stock of the Similkameen batholith, near its contact with Kobau Group metasediments and metavolcanics. Minor diorite and monzonite are also present.
A drillhole (#12) was reported drilled by Sheep Creek Mines on the Cat Fraction on a weak self potential anomaly. The drillhole intersected altered diorite with minor disseminated sulphides. Visible chalcopyrite and molybdenite were intersected over 15 centimetres at 61.8 metres depth.