The Gut Claim was located along Crouse Creek by Teck Corporation Limited in 1973. At that time, and in 1975, work consisted of geological, geochemical and geophysical (magnetometer and VLF-EM) surveys and trenching (126 metres).
The claim is underlain by greenstone of the Upper Paleozoic Anarchist Group; granodiorite and diorite of the Jurassic Nelson Intrusions; and andesite of the Eocene Penticton Group. Fractures contain pyrite with low gold values.
Considerable work, including soil and rock geochemistry, ground geophysics, mapping, and diamond drilling, was conducted by Bitterroot Resources Ltd. in the area surrounding the Gus and BlueJay properties property in 2003 through 2007. A contour soil program done in 2003 identified several anomalous coincident Au, Ag, As, Cu and Zn anomalies. Nine diamond drill holes were drilled on the GK property in 2004 for a total of 1882 metres, largely to test geochemical and geophysical anomalies. Further drilling in 2007, for a total of 2636 metres was intended, in part, to assess a 50 metre anomalous gold intersection (250 parts per billion Au) encountered in the 2004 drill program. The drill programs identified extensive zones of brecciated stratified rocks, disseminated and fracture controlled sulphides (dominantly pyrite), and associated chlorite, calcite, quartz and locally epidote alteration. The best intersection in hole GK07-02, assayed 2251 parts per billion Au over 4.1 metres (Assessment Report 30041).