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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  20-Jun-1996 by Jay W. Page (JWP)

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NMI 082E16 Ag2
Name BIG HILL, GEO 2, PEAK 152, LIGHTNING PEAK CAMP Mining Division Greenwood
BCGS Map 082E098
Status Showing NTS Map 082E16W
Latitude 049º 54' 18'' UTM 11 (NAD 83)
Longitude 118º 29' 43'' Northing 5529140
Easting 392629
Commodities Silver Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Harper Ranch, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The BIG HILL, a fracture controlled sulphide showing, is located on the east bank of Big Hill Creek about 150 metres north of Horseshoe Lake.

The BIG HILL occurs in a narrow fault zone which forms the contact between greenstone of the Devonian-Triassic Harper Ranch Group and a granitic intrusive. The Harper Ranch Group is hosted by diorite and granodiorite of an unnamed Middle Jurassic Intrusion.

The fault zone, in which the BIG HILL showing is found, strikes north and dips about 60 degrees to the west. The zone is narrow, about 10 centimetres in places. It weathers rusty (limonite?), suggesting that pyrite is present. Argentite has been found coating fractures within the fracture zone. Additional information on this showing is lacking.

In 1968-69, International Mine Services Ltd. carried out geochemical and geological surveys over the PAY DAY (082ENE037) prospect 1.5 kilometres to the southeast. The BIG HILL was covered by the PEAK 152 claim at this time but no work was recorded.

In 1978, Amore Minerals Incorporated contracted Glen E. White Geophysical Consulting Services Ltd. to carry out a soil sampling program on the GEO 2 (082ENE038) claim which covered the BIG HILL showing. No anomalies were found near the showing.

EMPR AR 1968-224
EMPR EXPL 1978-E45
EMPR GEM 1969-300
EMPR OF 1994-8
EMPR PF (In General File - Sketches of Lightning Peak Area 1919, 1933 and unknown; In 082ENE017 - *International Mine Services Ltd. (1968): Location Map)
GSC MAP 6-1957; 1701A; 1712A; 1713A; 1714A; 1736A
GSC OF 409; 637; 736; 1969
GSC SUM RPT *1930A, p.115A
EMPR PFD 830, 853, 859, 673296