At the Low Herbert prospect, 2 kilometres southwest of the peak of Mount Henry Clay, a gossan zone, 100 metres thick and 700 metres long, is conformable to bedding and occurs within sheared(?) sericite-chloritic-talc altered metavolcanics. Foliation is locally intense and deflects around angular black siliceous clasts. Minera- lization consists of bands of disseminated fine-grained pyrite and lesser chalcopyrite, barite, sphalerite. Chalcopyrite and sphalerite appear to be more abundant in chlorite-altered zones. A 5 metre sample assayed 2.15 per cent copper, 11.32 grams per tonne silver, 0.28 grams per tonne gold, and traces of lead and zinc (Assessment Report 12629).
The target horizon at Low Herbert is stratigraphically identical to the target horizon at Mount Henry Clay (114P 065). Both are com- posed of a volcaniclastic-sedimentary unit which is overlain by a pillow basalt and underlain by a sequence of flow and agglomerate and- esites. The more acidic volcanic-sedimentary unit is up to 150 metres thick.