The Hope occurrence is located approximately 12 kilometres east of Deadwood Lake, about 140 kilometres northeast of the community of Dease Lake.
The showing area is underlain by Cambrian-Ordovician Kechika Group calcareous phyllites, shales and limestones that dip moderately southwest. Minor amounts of massive chalcopyrite with pyrite, bornite and chalcocite occur in quartz veins irregularly cutting shales and limestones. Locally the quartz veins are ribboned and contain shale inclusions. Surface exposures contain malachite and azurite bloom.
Early in 1969, Emperor Mines Ltd. completed 35 line kilometres of total field aeromagnetic surveying on the Debbie claim group. Old blast holes are evident at the showing (pre-1978) but no data exists to complement this information. In 1978, Mountain Minerals Co. Ltd. geologically mapped two locations (Verde, 104P 066; Hope (this description)) and two C.E.M. lines were run across both areas.