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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  15-Aug-2022 by Niel Hugo (NH)

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NMI 104N12 U1
Name HUSSELBEE, BEAVER, DEEP BAY Mining Division Atlin
BCGS Map 104N071
Status Prospect NTS Map 104N12W
Latitude 059º 42' 29'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 133º 51' 06'' Northing 6619458
Easting 564613
Commodities Uranium, Thorium, Lead, Molybdenum, Copper Deposit Types K07 : Mo skarn
I15 : Classical U veins
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Cache Creek
Capsule Geology

The Husselbee uranium showing lies within actinolite skarn, on "Discovery Hill", located about 1 to 2 kilometres south of Deep Bay on the west side of Atlin Lake, approximately 17 kilometres northwest of the community of Atlin.

The original showing on Discovery Hill, and also one 400 metres to the west, is composed of dark green to black, fine-grained amphibolite consisting largely of bladed amphiboles which can be up to 5 centimetres long. Lighter grey-green varieties, forming rosettes, are dominantly actinolite as the major amphibole which form rosettes. Sparsely disseminated hematite can give the rock a reddish colour. Irregular masses or pods of jasper are also common and they are often mineralized with pyrite, fluorite and galena. Partially recrystallized xenoliths of limestone are present. These indicate a possible volcanic agglomerate or breccia protolith for the amphibolite which may have been part of the upper Mississippian to Permian Horsefeed Formation of the Cache Creek Complex. Underlying the amphibolite and exposed in areas away from Discovery Hill is a variably textured and heterogeneous granodiorite to monzodiorite with pink porphyritic alkali feldspar. These are most likely part of the Middle Jurassic Fourth of July Creek batholith of the Coast Intrusions. The Fourth of July Creek batholith has been zircon dated at 171 +/- 5 million years (Fieldwork 1990).

Mineralization occurs as pyrite, galena and fluorite in jasper pods. Uraninite and apatite are present, but the identity of the thorium-bearing mineral is uncertain. A sample from the top of Discovery Hill assayed 0.012 per cent uranium and 0.16 per cent thorium oxide and a sample 380 metres to the west assayed 0.059 per cent uranium and 0.17 per cent thorium. Another sample from the area assayed 0.14 per cent uranium and 0.04 per cent thorium oxide (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1953).

Small calcite and dolomite veins cut the amphibolite and contain disseminated molybdenite, pyrite and chalcopyrite. Samples have assayed as high as 0.11 per cent molybdenite (Assessment Report 2786).

In 1953, the showing was discovered and staked by prospector B. Husselbee and minor surface work was completed at that time, with drilling in the 1960s. Work was conducted by Canadian Johns-Manville Company Limited and others in the late 1960s with trenching completed in 1967. In 2006, a scintillometer survey was completed by C. Aspinall and no further work was reported since that time. In 2011, C. Aspinall collected two samples for petrology and rare earth element (REE) analysis.

EMPR AR *1953-79-81; 1967-24
EMPR ASS RPT 1637, *2786, 28771, 32677
EMPR FIELDWORK 1989, pp.311-322, 365-374; 1990, pp. 145-152
EMPR GEM 1969-36
EMPR GEOS MAP 1997-1; 2004-4
EMPR MAP 22 (#64); 52
EMPR OF 1989-15A; 1989-24; 1990-22; 1992-8,16; 1996-11
EMPR PF (McDougall, J.J. (1954): Exploration and Prospecting Possibilities, Yukon and Northern British Columbia, page 26 in 104P General File)
EMR MP CORPFILE (Jason Explorers Ltd.)
GSC EC GEOL 16, (Rev.), p. 230
GSC MEM 307, p. 73
GSC OF 551; 864
GSC P 74-47; 78-1A, p. 467
DIAND OF *1990-4
W MINER June 1954, p. 88
Cordey, F. et al. (1987): Significance of Jurassic Radiolarians from the Cache Creek Terrane, British Columbia, in Geology Vol.15, pp. 1151-1154