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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  30-Sep-2021 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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NMI 104M8 Cu1
Name COPPER ISLAND, NOEL Mining Division Atlin
BCGS Map 104M030
Status Showing NTS Map 104M08E
Latitude 059º 17' 08'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 134º 01' 49'' Northing 6572250
Easting 555250
Commodities Copper Deposit Types M01 : Flood Basalt-Associated Ni-Cu
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Nisling, Stikine, Cache Creek
Capsule Geology

The Copper Island occurrence is located on the southwest corner of Copper Island, Atlin Lake. Upper Triassic Stuhini Group red and green olivine basalts and basaltic tuffs underlie the occurrence.

Native copper, malachite, and rare cuprite and tenorite occur in a number of calcite veins of a few millimetres up to 15 centimetres thick and as disseminations in basalt. The country rock is slightly mineralized with native copper near these small calcite veins as well. Masses of native copper, up to several pounds, have been reported.

In 1899, native copper was discovered on the southern shore of Copper (Goat) Island; 14 claims, including the Noel claim, were staked on the showings. The Laverdiere brothers staked several claims on the showings as well; these claims lapsed in 1910. Development work was done in an open cut 9 metres long with a face 3.7 to 4.6 metres high, which exposes a calcite vein about 20 centimetres wide containing a streak of native copper.

EMPR AR 1904-80; 1918-94
EMPR FIELDWORK *1989, pp. 175-179, *181-196, 197-203; 1990, pp. 139-144, 153-159
EMPR OF *1990-4
EMPR PF (In 104M General File - Claim map of 104M, 1970; Claim map of 104M 08 and 09, 1970)
EMPR PFD 802080
EMPR RGS 37, 1993
GSC ANN RPT 1899, part A, p. 69; part B, p. 46
GSC MAP *19-1957; 94A; 218A; 711; 1418A; 1426
GSC MEM *37, pp. 114-116
GSC OF 427; 2225, p. 42; 2694
GSC P 69-01A, pp. 23-27; 77-01A; 78-01A, pp. 69-70; 90-01E, pp. 113-119; 91-01A, pp. 147-153; 92-01A
GSC SUM RPT 1906, pp. 26-32; *1910, p. 54; 1911, pp. 27-58