The property is situated between the Atlin Horst to the northeast and the Stikine Arch to the south. To the west, most units are under- lain by the granitic rocks of the Coast Plutonic Complex. These rocks have not been regionally metamorphosed or intensely folded as are the older units within the Tulsequah area.
The property is situated in the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group, King Salmon Formation, which is a northwest trending sequence of sedi- mentary and pyroclastic units. The formation occurs in a southeast plunging anticline that has been intruded by felsic dykes, which also trend in a northwest direction. The mineral occurrence was first discovered in 1980 by diamond drilling (Assessment Report 9246). Drill holes on the property intersected mineralized tuffs and brecciated tuffs. One drill hole encountered a 6.1-metre intercept grading 57.94 grams per tonne silver, 0.82 grams per tonne gold, 1.08 per cent zinc, 0.84 per cent lead, and 0.06 per cent copper (Basaba Enterprises, (1987)). Sericitized feldspar porphyry dykes intrude the King Salmon rocks, and are possibly of Late Cretaceous or Early Tertiary Age.
Sulphide mineralization in brecciated tuff consists of fine- grained pyrite and arsenopyrite disseminated in the quartz-rich matrix of the breccia. A 5.7-metre thick zone of massive sulphides was also encountered and contained massive, fine-grained arsenopyrite and some coarse-grained sphalerite in addition to finely banded arsenopyrite. Quartz and carbonate veins are common and some host pyrite and arseno- pyrite.
Argillic and carbonate alteration types are present as well as chalcedonic silica. Sulphides include disseminations of pyrite and arsenopyrite with stratiform lenses of pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalco- pyrite, galena, and sphalerite. The maximum observed widths of sulphide lenses was 20 centimetres.
In 1986, a grab sample of fine-grained grey sulphides within a stratiform rusty zone hosted by sandstone assayed 3.35 grams per tonne gold, 13.6 grams per tonne silver, 0.0195 per cent zinc, 0.0367 per cent lead, 0.0795 per cent copper, and 0.28 per cent arsenic (Assessment Report 15895).