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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  04-Mar-2021 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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NMI 104K8 Cu2
Name NORM, FAE, SAMOTUA Mining Division Atlin, Liard
BCGS Map 104K030
Status Showing NTS Map 104K08E
Latitude 058º 17' 58'' UTM 08 (NAD 83)
Longitude 132º 03' 12'' Northing 6465828
Easting 672685
Commodities Iron, Copper, Molybdenum Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

In the Norm area Stikine Assemblage stratigraphy consists of Pennsylvanian phyllites, siltstones and limestones underlain by (Permian?) limestone. A prominent undated limestone unit cores a series of structural culminations in the Samotua area and appears to be conformably overlain by a thick sequence of polydeformed metavolcanic rocks; on this basis the limestone was interpreted as Carboniferous (Fieldwork 1992, pages 159-188). However, thrust faults are well documented in the Tatsamenie Lake area, where dated Upper Carboniferous felsic volcanics structurally overlie Permian volcanics (Bradford and Brown, 1993; Figure 3).

In the Norm area the Paleozoic rocks are intruded by Middle to Late Triassic quartz dioritic intrusive rocks, Late Triassic granodiorite and hornblende diorite (commonly foliated) and Paleocene to Eocene quartz feldspar porphyry, alkali granite and alkali feldspar granite of the Sloko-Hyder Plutonic Suite. The Stikine rocks are in contact to the southeast with a northeast trending fault separating the Stikine rocks on the northwest from Lower Jurassic Takwahoni Formation (Laberge Group) sedimentary rocks on the southeast, consisting of argillite, greywacke, wacke, conglomerate turbidites. These rocks are overlain by Early Eocene felsic rocks of the Sloko Group and by flat lying basalt flows of the Miocene Level Mountain Group.

The quartz monzonite occurs as a stock measuring about 1.2 by 0.7 kilometres. It is equigranular, containing plagioclase, potassium feldspar, quartz, and minor biotite. Hornfels and skarn are developed along the intrusive contact.

Magnetite occurs as three tabular masses, up to 3 metres wide and several metres long, associated with the quartz monzonite and limestone contact. The masses contain up to 50 per cent pyrite and some chalcopyrite. Minor chalcopyrite and molybdenite occur in the hornfels.

In the early 1960’s Kennco carried out a program of mapping and soil sampling on the porphyry target (Assessment Report 476). In the early 1970 Skyline Explorations conducted mapping and soil sampling in peripheral areas around the Fae prospect, collecting 20 silts and 82 soil samples (Assessment Report 3297). In 1972, Skyline conducted further geological mapping, line-cutting and soil sampling (Assessment Report 3842). With the discovery of the Golden Bear gold deposit in the mid-1980’s the Tatsamenie Lake area attracted renewed exploration interest for gold exploration. Chevron investigated the prominent iron carbonate alteration on Vermillion Ridge, south of the Fae porphyry in 1984, collecting 21 rock and 215 soil samples (Assessment Report 12975). More detailed work was carried out in this area in 1987 by Tahltan Holdings, who collected 223 rock samples and 5 silt samples (Assessment Report 12975).

In 2007, Paget Minerals Corp conducted a 5-day geochemical and geologic mapping program in order to determine any possible drilling targets. Samples were taken near the Norm showing (104K 034), the Fae (104K 014) and the Giver (104K 105) showing area. Near the Norm showing, one skarn sample of semi-massive magnetite with pyrite assayed 0.16 per cent copper (Assessment Report 29395). Paget collected 32 rock samples, 45 soil samples and 5 silt samples.

In 2011, Paget Minerals Corp drilled one drill hole totalling 477.62 metres on the Fae porphyry (Assessment Report 32562). The location for the drill was selected because it was outcropping quartz monzonite porphyry with stockwork quartz veins. The hole was projected to go under outcrops in a stream valley to the southeast of the drill pad that gave values of up to 1.74 per cent copper and 0.63 gram per tonne gold from the 2007 geochemical program. The hole was put down about 1.5 kilometres southeast of the Norm MINFILE plot and is described in the Fae prospect.

In 2015 Rio Minerals Ltd sent a 4-man crew to the Fae property in order to conduct a short prospecting program. Two samples were collected on top of the ridge a few hundred metres northeast of the plotted location of the Fae occurrence; 5 more samples were collected about a kilometre south of the Fae. Sample 440501 to the northeast of the Fae assayed 0.025 per cent molybdenum (Assessment Report 33598).

See the Fae prospect (104K 014) for further details of a common area work history.

EMPR AR 1963-7-130
EMPR ASS RPT *476, 3297, 3842, 12975, 29395, 32562, 33598
EMPR GEM 1971-50; 1972-553-554
EMPR FIELDWORK *1992, pp. 159-188
EMPR PF (Reports by Lefebure, D. (1987))
EMR MP CORPFILE (Skyline Explorations Ltd.)
EMPR OF *1993-1
GSC MAP 6-1960; 1262A
GSC MEM 362, p. 56