The Winco prospect is located about 117 kilometres northeast of the community of Dease Lake.
Most of the Winco area is underlain by the Lower Cambrian Rosella Formation (Atan Group) consisting of a lower quartzite member and an upper limestone member. Hadrynian Ingenika Group sediments are in contact with Atan rocks south and north of the mineralized area.
Four principal lithologies occur in the prospect area. These include limestone, dolomite, chert and brown shale. Vein, stockwork and replacement style copper-silver mineralization is hosted within Atan Group limestone, chert and dolomite. The principal showings comprising this occurrence are found along a 600 metre strike length and are associated with a strong northwest trending linear. Talus cover prevents linkage of the exposures known from west to east as the Blue Sheep, White Dog, Mac and Ewe showings. The occurrences are reported to be crudely stratabound and at one location appear to exhibit stratiform characteristics.
Trench 1 on the Blue Sheep showing exposed varying amounts of tetrahedrite, malachite, azurite, goethite and very minor chalcopyrite. Trench 2 on the White Dog showing, about 120 metres southeast of the Blue Sheep, exposed a 5 metre thickness of silicified limestone/chert in contact with dolomite. Spectacular azurite, malachite, tetrahedrite and minor chalcopyrite and pyrite were reported. The Mac showing occurs about 100 metres southeast of the White Dog and is similar in character to that showing. The Ewe showing is about 150 metres southeast of the Mac. Samples from all showings are high in silver and copper.
Results of sampling in 1991 are as follows (Assessment Report 22063): the best copper-silver results are associated with semimassive tetrahedrite in grab samples and include values up to 24.7 per cent copper and 2691.45 grams per tonne silver; chip sample results include maximum values over 1 metre of 9.85 per cent copper and 486.86 grams per tonne silver; gold values are generally low except for three results greater than 0.1 gram per tonne including one result of 1.9 grams per tonne gold; zinc values up to 0.3 per cent were obtained and two samples with galena taken outside the main showing areas yielded greater than 1 per cent lead.
Several other showings, mainly of narrow quartz veins with locally semimassive tetrahedrite, galena, azurite and malachite, were found widely scattered in the far northwest grid area.
The Wink claims were staked in 1969 to cover an area of copper stain in carbonate rocks. Later that year, Winco Mining & Explorations Ltd. completed a 28 line-kilometre aeromagnetic survey which identified a 4 by 1-2 kilometre magnetic low feature postulated to be associated with a buried felsic pluton. In 1990-91, Pamicon Developments Limited carried out detailed geological mapping, hand trenching and rock geochemical sampling in the main showings area on the Wink claims. In 2005, B.K. Bowen staked claims in the Wink, Kara and Marg property areas and completed air photo lineament studies. In 2007, prospect evaluation, prospecting and rock and silt geochemical sampling was conducted on the Wink, Kara and Marg properties on behalf of owner, B.K. Owen.