The Pay 4 occurrence lies on the southwestern flank of Mount Sister Mary, approximately 1.4 kilometres southwest of the peak and 3.0 kilometres east of the junction between the Stikine and McBride rivers, 47 kilometres east-northeast of the village of Iskut. Rugged mountains to the north of the showing and strongly incised rolling highlands to the south marks the division between the Spatsizi Plateau and Cassiar Mountains. Refer to the Pay occurrence (104H 007), located 1.4 kilometres north, for work history and regional geology.
Similar to the Pay showing, the Pay 4 showing comprises chalcopyrite as disseminations and hairline fractures with abundant pyrite and magnetite. However, the host pluton is a hornblende diorite marginal phase of the Middle Jurassic Three Sisters Plutonic Suite (subdivision of the Late Triassic to Late Jurassic Hotailuh batholith). The hostrock is weakly sericitized and chloritized. Peripheral porphyritic andesite flows, breccia and tuffs belonging to an unnamed Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic assemblage has been hornfelsed.
Bulldozer trenching (3600 metres) tested mineralization at the Pay and Pay 4 occurrences. A chip sample from the Pay 4 showing assayed 0.01 per cent copper, 6.8 grams per tonne silver and trace gold (Property File - Bowser Resources Ltd., 1969).