The area of the Scud 9 was found to have mafic metavolcanic rock of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group and Upper Permian limestone of the Stikine Assemblage. In 1988, International Corona prospected the Scud 9 claim and found shear zones in mafic volcanic rock with abundant ankerite/calcite and quartz stockwork. The veins contain traces of pyrite, chalcopyrite and arsenopyrite.
The property was prospected and sampled to some extent in 1988 and 1989 by Corona. Results of this work are recorded in a series of prospecting by Corona. Limited rock, soil and silt sampling was done on the Scud 1-14, Robyn and Alicia claims of the Scud property. The Scud were owned by Lacana Exploration Inc and the Robyn and Alicia by International Corona Corp.
The 1991 work, consisting of large scale geological mapping, rock and soil conducted on behalf of Akiko Lori Gold Resources Ltd. 257 rock and 42 soil samples were collected.