The Bud area is underlain by Upper Paleozoic volcanic and sedimentary rock of the Stikine Assemblage. In 1990 Armeno reported sample 3164 assayed 0.16 per cent copper (Figure 7a, (Assessment Report 21117). In 1990, the area was mapped as phyllite.
In 1986, Chevron Resources conducted a soil program on the Bud 1-6 claims that failed to outline areas of anomalous mineralization. In 1990, an exploration program on the Bud 1-6 claims by Armeno Resources comprised geological mapping, prospecting, soil (867 samples) and rock (252 (samples) geochemical sampling and limited magnetic and VLF-electromagnetic surveys. The Cot and Bull locality was visited by Armeno in 1990 and Map 6b (Assessment Report 21117) indicates local carbonate-cement breccia with minor pyrite and chalcopyrite. One sample was taken in the area at the time (sample 6203). The northern part of the Bud claims was previously covered by claims owned by Hecla Mining Company of Canada Ltd in the 1960s but there is no record of any work having been completed in that area. In 1981, a one-day prospecting trip made by Teck Exploration was made to the Cot and Bull claims at which time the Cot and Bull showing was examined and first documented (Assessment Report 9479).