The Horn North occurrence is located about 22 kilometres west- southwest of the town of Iskut.
The showings occur in an area mapped as Unit lJavb (Open File 1997-3) of the Lower Jurassic Hazelton Group. This unit consists of andesitic volcanic breccias and conglomerates. These are described as grey-green and maroon, feldspar hornblende-porphyritic andesitic to dacitic debris flows and lahars; minor flows; with intervals of green and maroon epiclastic conglomerate and medium to coarse-grained crystal lithic wacke with angular, red mudstone fragments.
The Axe claims were staked over a large area in the fall of 1988 and sold in part to Dryden Resources Corporation in 1989. Exploration by Dryden on its Horn North grid in 1990 turned up discontinuos, narrow quartz-calcite-barite veins exhibiting colloform, banded textures. These veins are host to sphalerite, galena and trace chalcopyrite and occur in maroon and green coloured andesitic tuffs. One grab sample yielded 4.9 per cent lead, 16.1 per cent zinc and 71 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 21127, page 9).
Sample C2 was collected from a gossan in purple andesite breccia that contained local concentrations of sulphide. This showing was located in Horn North area by members of the B.C. Geological Survey Branch during a mapping program in 1995. A sample of the material assayed 8.4 grams per tonne silver, 0.06 per cent lead and 1.3 per cent zinc (Open File 1997-3).