The Oksa Gold 3 showing is underlain by Pennsylvanian rock of the Stikine Assemblage. Early Jurassic quartz diorite intrudes to the south and Tertiary granite to the north.
A mineralized quartz vein has a true width of 1.5 metres and is hosted within dark green hornblende porphyry. Mineralization includes pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and pyrrhotite concentrated within a massive sulphide core, 0.5 metre wide, as well as disseminated throughout the vein zone. Veining can be traced in float occurrences for 20 metres upslope at which point glacial debris covers the projected strike length. One sample assayed 21.91 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 19576).
Vein host also reported as chloritic and silicified volcanic rocks. Samples from argillic altered granite have also yielded highly anomalous gold values.
Work History
Work on the property was first recorded in 1981, when Teck Exploration Limited prospected the Oksa Creek drainage, uncovering a highly mineralized quartz vein.
In 1987, the Oksa Gold 1-3 claims were staked.
Keyport Management Corporation conducted a preliminary prospecting program in 1988, which concentrated on the area of the mineralized quartz vein.
In 1989, Coast Mountain Geological Ltd. was hired to complete a brief exploration program on the property. Efforts to locate the vein itself proved unsuccessful.
During the 1990 exploration season, Coast Mountain Geological Ltd. returned to the property and conducted a more extensive program. The Vein Zone was located, mapped and resampled, returning assays up to 12.3 grams per tonne gold, 0.36 per cent copper and 71.3 grams per tonne silver(as reported in Assessment Report 22758). The southern portion of the property was prospected, which led to the discovery of the Main Zone and the neighbouring Horn Zone.
In 1991, a mapping and prospecting program was conducted over known zones and unexplored areas of the property (as reported in Assessment Report 22758).
In 1992, in which a total of 21 rock samples and 1 soil sample were collected on behalf of Bellex Mining Corp (Assessment Report 22758). The 1992 work program concentrated on mapping the contact between the limestone and the granodiorite/quartz diorite, searching for skarned areas, re-examining the Vein Zone and prospecting for further zones of mineralization.