The JW (Creek 5) showing occurs in an area underlain primarily by Upper Triassic Stuhini Group andesitic volcanics, microdiorite and sediments intruded by Jurassic and/or Cretaceous granodiorite. The occurrence is hosted by andesitic flows and/or crystal tuffs.
Bellex Mining explored the Jack Wilson Property in 1988, 1989 and 1990.
In 1988 a grab sample (245685) from a 20 centimetre quartz-chlorite-pyrite vein exposed in a north flowing tributary of Jack Wilson Creek (Creek 5) assayed 3.77 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 18114).
In 1990, Bellex conducted further minor sampling and geological work on Creek 5. Bellex reported a strong quartz-sericite-pyrite altered zone down Creek 5 into the Jack Wilson Creek valley, which then trends northwards along the west side of the North Fork Creek valley.
Refer to Devils Club (104G 060) for details of the Jack Wilson (JW) property work history.