This Pereleshin occurrence location is Indistinct. The "Pereleshin Pluton" apears to coorelate with an Early Jurassic pluton of the Texas Creek Plutonic Suite, today described as being composed primarily of monzodioritic to gabbroic intrusive rocks. A Paleocene to Eocene granitic pluton of the Sloko-Hyder Plutonic Suite is in a winding contact with the Jurassic pluton for over 50 kilometres. The southeast trending part of the contact of the Texas Creek and the Sloko-Hyder plutons is mapped as being about 1.3 kilometres west of Mount Pereleshin, with the Texas Creek pluton being northeast of the contact.
On the south end of Mount Pereleshin, veins bearing chalcopyrite were identified. East of Mount Pereleshin, at the contact of the granodiorite with Permian limestone, float consisting of calcite, pyrite and sphalerite was found. Permian limestone is located about 5.5 kilometres east of Mount Pereleshin, though smaller masses may be closer.