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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  04-Apr-2022 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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NMI 104G7 Cu2
BCGS Map 104G036
Status Developed Prospect NTS Map 104G07W
Latitude 057º 21' 51'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 130º 59' 25'' Northing 6359676
Easting 380288
Commodities Copper, Gold, Molybdenum, Silver Deposit Types L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Schaft Creek deposit is hosted by Stuhini Group (Stikine Terrane) basaltic to andesitic volcanic rocks of the Mess Lake facies, which are Upper Triassic in age. These volcanics are intruded by dacite to granodiorite dikes, whose origin is interpreted to be the nearby Hickman batholith, of the Middle to Late Triassic Stikine Plutonic Suite. The Schaft Creek deposit consists of 3 zones, Liard (or Main), Paramount and West Breccia.

The Mess Lake facies is a vent-proximal, submarine to sub-aerial volcanic assemblage that unconformably overlies the Lower Permian limestone of the Stikine assemblage. The Mess Lake facies is, in turn, unconformably overlain by Lower Jurassic conglomerate. The Mess Lake volcanic sequence is estimated to be upwards of 800 metre thick, but is truncated on the west side by the Hickman and Yehiniko plutons, while the south side is faulted against Paleozoic rocks.

The generalized stratigraphy of the Mess Lake facies (from Bulletin 104) consists of (1) a basal sedimentary succession or mafic tuffaceous succession, (2) a medial volcanic succession characterized by flows and breccias with a central tuff unit, and (3) an upper tuffaceous sedimentary succession. West of Mess Creek, maroon to green amygdaloidal plagioclase and pyroxene-phyric basalt flows, breccias and tuffs, and dun-weathering olivine-rich basaltic tuffs at least 800 metres thick are intruded by trachytic sills of coarse-bladed plagioclase and pyroxene porphyry, probable feeders to overlying volcanics.

On Mount LaCasse (7 kilometres north of the Schaft Creek camp), tuffs of the central volcanic unit are observed to overlie basaltic rocks of the medial volcanic unit. These tuffs are mostly massive to weakly bedded, polylithic, grey to mauve lapilli and crystal tuffs, which form thick sections underlying the east-facing slope of the mountain overlooking Mess Creek. Crystal fragments consisting of plagioclase and augite are common constituents of the tuff. Due to the inconsistency of observable beds, measurable attitudes are rare, although those noted indicate steep dips. This same succession of the central volcanic unit underlies the west-facing slopes above Schaft Creek.

The upper tuffaceous sedimentary succession consists of well-bedded, very fine-grained green tuffs, tuffaceous siltstone-sandstones, and wackes. These are exposed on the northwestern flank of Mount LaCasse, 5 km north of the Schaft Creek deposit. The succession is about 150 metres thick but along its western margin, the well-bedded section thins considerably where it is faulted against the lower plagioclase porphyry basalt. As the tuffs also thin to the northeast, their usefulness as a marker unit is limited. At 4 kilometres south of the Schaft Creek deposit, the upper succession consists of volcanic conglomerate, interbedded sandstone and siltstone, pyroxene crystal sandstone, and limy siltstone are exposed. Fossils from thin interbedded siltstone, sandstone, and conglomerate layers are identified as the Late Triassic, Upper Norian brachiopod Monotis Subcircularus (Bulletin 104).

The Schaft Creek property lies between the Mess Creek valley and Schaft Creek in a north-south oriented complex of intermediate to mainly mafic volcanic rocks (Mess Creek volcanic facies of the Stuhini Group) dominated by basalt and andesite tuffs and flows. The thickest volcanic unit of the medial volcanic succession (Mess Creek facies) hosts the Schaft Creek deposit. This unit varies in colour from maroon to green and is comprised of roughly equal amounts of flows and tuffs of variably augite phyric, plagioclase phyric, augite-plagioclase phyric, and aphyric basaltic andesite. Sub-volcanic intrusive rocks are difficult to distinguish from the extrusive volcanics in this sequence. Logan et al. (2000 (Bulletin 104)) reported the basaltic andesite is locally pillowed for 3 km north and south of Schaft Creek and bedding attitudes in intercalated tuffs are steeply inclined to the northeast or southwest. In the deposit area, bedding orientations are not obvious; however, in the Main Zone, the bedding orientations are thought to be shallow to moderate, easterly to westerly dipping.

The Hickman batholith is interpreted to be the source of the hydrothermal fluids that formed the mineralization at Schaft Creek. It is a large, complexly zoned felsic to intermediate intrusive body to the west of the deposit. At the Schaft Creek deposit, the intrusion associated with mineralization is a white, argillically altered, equigranular monzonite to quartz monzonite. Quartz and feldspar porphyritic apophyses intruded and altered the volcanic country rock. Several small outcrops of the monzonite at the north edge of the Schaft Creek deposit are mineralized along with adjacent volcanic rocks.

Between Schaft Creek and Snipe Lake on the lower southwestern slopes of Mount LaCasse, the andesitic to basaltic volcanic rocks are locally intruded and brecciated by narrow and locally discontinuous dikes and apophyses emanating from the Hickman batholith. The most mineralized and altered intrusions are generally proximal to the breccias in the northern portion of the deposit, where breccias cross-cut one of the larger intrusive dikes.

These intrusive bodies follow a series of shatter zones and near-vertical faults that trend north-northwest. The dikes are quartz modal and are predominantly granodiorite in composition. The intrusive rocks exercised significant control on distribution and type of mineralization and alteration, and multiple phases of quartz-modal intrusive rock may be present at Schaft Creek. Both equigranular granitic and feldspar quartz porphyritic varieties have been noted, with considerable variation in the degree of alteration and mineralization among individual examples.

Brittle deformation at Schaft Creek is primarily reflected in shattering, shearing, and faulting at all scales, ranging from crushing and grinding of individual rock-forming minerals to very significant large-scale faults that are represented by thick zones of clay gouge and mylonite. As a result, topographic expression of the deposit is generally recessive and the near-surface levels of the deposit (particularly in the Paramount Zone) are strongly broken and rubbly to depths exceeding 100 metres, resulting in difficult drilling with poor core recoveries, as well as challenges in correlation of structures between sections. The faults and fault-related structures (shears, shatter zones, etc.) at Schaft Creek can be generally categorized into three sets: 1) An en echelon set of shatter zones that trend northwest (319 degrees) and dip steeply to the northeast (about 85 degrees); a set of faults and shatter zones that trend northeast (44 degrees) and dip moderately to the northwest (45 degrees) and; an early set of sub-horizontal faults that strike to the northwest and dip gently at about 10 degrees to the northeast.

Positive identification of the intrusive rocks is hampered by strong to intense, and often overlapping, alteration assemblages that obscure primary textures. Many of the sill-like or flat-lying intrusive bodies that have been mapped to the east of the breccia are actually porphyritic volcanic flows that have been overprinted by strong albitic alteration.

Hydrothermal activity at Schaft Creek was a complex series of overlapping events related to fault reactivation, hydraulic fracturing, intrusion, and fluid degassing. This has resulted in early developed alteration facies being overprinted by later alteration facies, both retrograde and prograde, particularly within the breccia in the Paramount Zone, where field evidence supports several stages of breccia reactivation. Alteration zoning is accordingly complex, with telescoping and overprinting of both pro-grade and retrograde phases.

Widespread diagenetic development of chlorite and minor carbonate in the mafic basaltic andesite volcanic pile predates hydrothermal alteration and mineralization. Development of hematite in some parts of the volcanic pile (such as the Main Zone) may also be diagenetic. Ubiquitous weak to moderate phyllic alteration occurs, consisting of sericitization of primary feldspar phenocrysts as a precursor to the main sodic alteration and mineralization phase.

Sodic feldspathization occurs, primarily affecting existing feldspar phenocrysts, with alteration ranging from rims of sodic feldspar to complete replacement. The primary pulse of sulphide mineralization (disseminated and fracture-filling chalcopyrite, bornite, and molybdenite) is thought to have been synchronous with this prograde alteration, and both alteration and mineralization appear to be closely related to intrusion of irregular subvertical, dike-like bodies of quartz-bearing feldspar porphyry. In the Main Zone at least, this phase of alteration and sulphide mineralization appears to be preferentially hosted, in part, within coarse fragmental volcanics (aerial lapilli tuffs to coarse agglomerates) that have been structurally prepared by faulting that both preceded and was synchronous with intrusion, alteration, and mineralization.

Potassic alteration occurs, consisting of development of fine-grained biotite hornfels proximal to intrusive bodies within the Paramount Zone and orthoclase replacement/veining in the Main Zone and both the West Breccia Zone and Paramount Zone. Some of the potassic hornfels in the Paramount Zone was subsequently incorporated into breccias, where biotite hornfels clasts are locally significant components of polylithic breccias. To a significant degree, potassic alteration (pink feldspathization) correlates with mineralization in both the Main Zone and the breccia zone.

Patchy phyllic alteration occurs, consisting of local silicification (quartz flooding) and development of local stringer and disseminated pyrite. This alteration, most likely contemporaneous with or slightly later than potassic alteration, is a lower temperature prograde event. The liberation of abundant hematite due to the destruction of mafic minerals such as hornblende may be part of this alteration event. Hematite is far more abundant than pyrite at Schaft Creek, forming during diagenesis as well as during phyllic alteration.

Retrograde propylitic alteration occurs, resulting in the development of dark (iron-rich?) chlorite and locally strong epidote overprinting. This alteration phase has also resulted in the remobilization of some considerable fraction of the sulfides into veins and fractures.

Late-stage development of ubiquitous carbonate, both within the matrix and as fine irregular stringers. A very weak argillic overprint as sparse alunite within carbonate veins is most likely contemporaneous with carbonate development. Sparse gypsum and anhydrite veins are also part of this late-stage alteration.

The Liard (Main) Zone forms a tabular zone that extends up to 1.1 kilometres in the east-west direction and more than 1.2 kilometres in the north-south direction. The boundaries of the Liard Zone are well-constrained by faults in most directions.The Liard Zone is comprised of narrow porphyritic quartz monzonite to quartz monzodiorite dikes that have been emplaced into andesitic volcanic and volcaniclastic host rocks. The dikes are typically 5 to 50 meters thick, strike north-northwest to north-northeast, and dip steeply to the east. Numerous narrow dikes occur within the eastern part of the Liard Zone, and in this area, it can be difficult to trace individual dikes with confidence between drill holes or outcrops. In contrast, a single thicker dike occurs within the central portion of the Liard Zone and is called the “Central Porphyry”.

The porphyritic dikes in the Liard Zone are spatially associated with potassic alteration, increased density of quartz-sulphide veins and vein stockworks, and zone of elevated copper-gold grade. The most intense alteration and highest copper grades commonly occur in the host rock immediate adjacent to the porphyry dikes, rather than within the dikes themselves. In some areas, chalcopyrite, bornite, and pyrite all occur disseminated within host rocks and within the porphyry dikes, suggesting multiple mineralization episodes that have juxtaposed bornite and pyrite into the same area.

Several types of vein-hosted mineralization are recognized in the Liard Zone, including: 1) copper-gold-molybdenum mineralization resulting from quartz-biotite-bornite-chalcopyrite +/- hematite veins with associated Kfeldspar +/- green mica selvages; 2) overprinting copper-gold mineralization resulting from quartz-chlorite-pyrite-chalcopyrite +/- calcite +/- epidote +/- hematite with associated sericite and chlorite-epidote selvages; and 3) late, molybdenum mineralization resulting from veins of massive to semi-massive molybdenite with no apparent selvage. Thus far, no preferred structural trend has been defined for this vein hosted mineralization in the Liard Zone.

The Paramount Zone is comprised of an elongate, multiphase igneous-hydrothermal breccia body that has been emplaced into quartz monzonite and andesitic volcanic host rocks. The breccia body strikes north-northwest, dips steeply east, is 100 to 300 metres thick, has a strike length of approximately 1200 metres, and extends at least 600 metres below surface. High grade mineralization occurs within the breccia body and also extends 100 to 200 metres into the hanging wall, which is comprised of quartz monzonite, and to a lesser extent into the footwall, which is composed of andesitic volcanic rocks. Mineralization outside of the breccia body is associated with stockwork zones of quartz-sulphide veins. Three styles of mineralization occur within the Paramount breccia body, each of which is associated with different breccia cement minerals. These mineralization styles include: 1) copper-molybdenum mineralization associated with K-feldspar-biotite-quartz-chalcopyrite-molybdenite +/- bornite veins and breccias with associated potassic alteration; 2) copper-gold-molybdenum mineralization associated with anhydrite-bornite-chalcopyrite +/- molybdenite veins with associated albitic alteration; and 3) copper-gold-molybdenum mineralization associated with tourmaline-quartz-carbonate-chalcopyrite +/- bornite +/- molybdenite veins and breccias with associated silicic alteration. All three of these breccia styles include sulphide cement; sample interval assay grade typically correlates well with the amount of sulphide cement present (typically 0.5-3 per cent). Locally, there is also an association between high grade mineralization and a dark-colored intrusive breccia phase.

A mineral zonation pattern is apparent around the main breccia body in the Paramount Zone. Potassic alteration intensity, vein density, and vein thickness all increase towards the breccia zone. A clear sulphide zonation (from chalcopyrite > pyrite, to chalcopyrite > bornite, to bornite > chalcopyrite) is apparent outside of the breccia body and extends inwards towards its core. No pyrite was observed in bornite-bearing areas, in contrast to late pyrite that overprints areas of the Liard Zone. Bornite correlates closely with gold grades, and assay ratios of copper:gold are an effective vectoring tool towards bornite-rich zones. Molybdenite occurs throughout the Paramount Zone, and does not appear to be a useful vector.

The boundaries of mineralization in the Paramount Zone are related to the extent of the Paramount breccia body, and this body is reasonably well-constrained by the current (2015) drill pattern, although the breccia remains open at depth. The limits of the breccia are well defined by drilling to the east and west to a considerable depth. To the north, the breccia appears to pinch out, although this area has only sparse drilling. To the south, the breccia body continues towards the West Breccia Zone, however there is a significant change in breccia mineralogy. The “phyllic breccia” change area is pyrite-rich and low grade.

The West Breccia Zone is comprised of an elongate hydrothermal breccia body that has been emplaced into andesitic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks. The breccia body strikes north-northwest, dips steeply east, is 80 to 160 metres thick, has a strike length of approximately 500 metres, and extends at least 200 metres below surface. Mineralization is closely constrained to the breccia body and does not generally extend very far into the adjacent footwall or hanging wall. There are a few narrow monzodiorite dikes in the vicinity of the breccia that appear similar to the monzodiorite dikes that occur within the Liard Zone.

Similar to the Paramount Zone breccia, the West Breccia is comprised of different styles of mineralization that are associated with certain breccia cement minerals. However, the West Breccia Zone is dominated by low to medium-temperature breccia mineralogy, and lacks the higher temperature assemblages that are observed within the Paramount Zone. Three prominent styles of breccia mineralogy at the West Breccia include: 1) copper-molybdenum-gold mineralization associated with tourmaline-carbonate-chalcopyrite-pyrite +/- molybdenite veins and breccias with associated silicic alteration; 2) copper-molybdenum mineralization associated with chlorite-calcite-pyrite veins and breccias with associated propylitic alteration; and 3) High-grade copper-molybdenum-gold mineralization associated with chlorite-actinolite-calcite-tourmaline breccia cement. Although the West Breccia Zone lacks bornite, assay grades in this area can still be very high because sulphide cement abundance is typically high (from 2 to 10 per cent).

As of 2015 boundaries of the West Breccia Zone were generally poorly constrained. Historical drilling in this area is sparse and shallow. The breccia body remains open to the north and south, and current drilling only delineates the breccia to a depth of 160 to 200 metres. There is no evidence that the breccia body pinches out in any of these directions, however the grade in historical drill holes is spotty and the structural controls on the breccia body are poorly understood.

The West Breccia and Paramount Zones are thought developed relatively late in the evolution of the Schaft Creek hydrothermal system, with linear, contiguous breccias cutting many faults and intrusive bodies. The only clear exception to this is found in the late northeast-trending, northwest-dipping fault set where small offsets in the breccias are noted. Much of the mineralization in these breccia zones ares hosted by the strongly altered and structurally prepared breccias. Some mineralization with fairly good grade is found in volcanic units proximal to the breccias, as well as along the margins of some intrusive dikes. Further removed from the breccias are areas of generally lower grade. Sulphides in the breccia consist of chalcopyrite, bornite, molybdenite, and pyrite. Chalcopyrite and bornite occur as fine veinlets and disseminated patches in the altered finer-grained matrix of the breccia or as local patches of sulphide matrix, with minor amounts in intrusive and volcanic clasts. Minor grey quartz patches locally accompany Cu sulphides. Pyrite is generally not abundant in the breccia zone, although a few locations are seen where pyrite is dominant. Early quartz-rich veinlets are present in local intrusive clasts. The copper grades in the breccia zone exceed 0.5 per cent copper, most notably in the Paramount Zone.

Trace amounts of covellite, chalcocite, tetrahedrite and native copper have been identified. Minor amounts of galena and sphalerite occur in the breccia zones and in small calcite veins.

Theories of mineral genesis are controversial. Seraphim and Sutherland Brown (Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Special Volume 15, page 219) agree with Linder, preferring an explanation that the deposit is almost syngenetic, in part strata controlled, and directly linked to near surface volcanic activity. However, most experts still classify it as a porphyry.

Mineral Resources* - Schaft Creek deposit as of December 31, 2018 are as follows:

Resource Tonnes Cu Mo Au Ag

Category (Mt) (%) (%) (g/t) (g/t)


Measured 166.0 0.32 0.021 0.20 1.50

Indicated 1,127.2 0.25 0.016 0.15 1.20

Meas + Ind 1,293.2 0.26 0.017 0.16 1.20

Inferred 316.7 0.19 0.019 0.14 1.10


*Teck Resources Limited, 2018 Annual Information Form, date of filing

Feb.27, 2019


The Schaft Creek prospect was located in 1957 by prospector Nick Bird who was employed by BIK Syndicate, a consortium of Silver Standard Mines Ltd., McIntyre Porcupine Mines Limited, Kerr Addison Mines Ltd. (now Noranda Inc.) and Dalhousie Oil Ltd. The prospecting syndicate was re-organized in 1966 into Liard Copper Mines Ltd. in order to recognize the respective interests of its members; Silver Standard Mines Limited, with a 66 per cent interest, was the manager.

ASARCO in 1966 obtained an option to explore the Liard Copper Mines Ltd. ground, carried out geological and induced polarization surveys and drilled 10,939 feet in 24 holes (Jeffrey, 1966). The option, despite encouraging drill results, was not maintained and in 1966 Hecla Mining Company of Canada Limited, a subsidiary of Hecla Mining Company of Wallace, Idaho, entered an option agreement to earn a 75 per cent property interest and, with Hecla Operating Company as its agent, commenced drilling and other exploration work.

Hecla, in the period 1966 through 1977, completed 34,500 metres of BQ and NQ-size core drilling, 6,560 metres of percussion drilling, comprehensive induced polarization and resistivity surveys, geological mapping, both detailed and reconnaissance, petrographic studies, and air photography, and commenced engineering studies related to development of a large open pit copper-gold molybdenum mine. Property work ceased in 1977 and in 1976 Hecla sold its interest to Teck Corporation.

By 1976, mineable reserves calculated at an open pit stripping ratio of 1.5 (waste) to 1 (ore) were 330 million tonnes grading 0.4 per cent copper and 0.02 per cent molybdenum; preliminary estimates indicate that the mineralization will grade approximately 0.32 part per million gold and 1.5 parts per million silver (CIM Special Volume 15 (1976), page 219)

In 1980, Teck commenced a program of exploration and drilling designed to confirm and expand Hecla’s work. A total of 26,000 metres of drilling NQ and HQ core was completed by 1981. Teck then undertook an engineering study to determine the feasibility of mine development. Further data reviews were completed by Western Copper Holdings in 1988 and Tack in 1993. The property has been on a ‘hold’ basis since that time and in 2002, Salazar obtained an option to acquire 100 per cent of Teck’s interest.

Between 1968 and 1981, 60,200 metres of core drilling in 230 holes were completed which outlined a proven and probable open pit resource of 971,495,000 tonnes grading 0.298 per cent copper, 0.02 per cent molybdenum (0.033 per cent MoS2), 0.14 gram per tonne gold and 1.2 grams per tonne silver (CIM Special Volume 46, pages 239-246).

In 2003, it was reported that Guillermo Salazar entered into an agreement to acquire all of Teck’s interest in the property who then assigned his interest to 955528 Alberta Ltd. In 2004 it was reported that the owners were Teck Cominco Limited, 955528 Alberta Ltd. and Liard Copper Mines Ltd. (previously 78 per cent Teck owned). Old core that was stored on the property in a weatherproof building was sampled in order to conduct metallurgical test work. In 2004, Copper Fox Metals Inc. agreed to acquire the Schaft Creek porphyry copper deposit (MINFILE 104G 015) from 955528 Alberta Ltd.

Copper Fox Metals Inc collected material for a metallurgical study from the deposit by drilling 3,161 metres of P-size core in 15 holes. Based on 60,000 metres of prior drilling, Copper Fox estimates Schaft Creek to contain a combined Measured and Indicated resource of 332 million tonnes grading 0.39 per cent copper, 0.026 per cent molybdenum and 0.267 gram per tonne gold, at a 0.4 per cent copper equivalent cut-off (Exploration in BC 2005, page 30). Most of the current drilling twinned historic holes, to validate assay data and to gain a better assessment of gold content. Copper Fox also began environmental and road access studies, and plans to enter the Environmental Assessment process in early 2006.

In 2007, Copper Fox Metals Inc evaluated three site options at Schaft Creek,for tailings impoundment and complementary plant sites, by geologic mapping, geophysical surveys and by drilling overburden and bedrock holes. Drilling totaled 6300 metres in 41 holes. About 3 kilometres to the north, Paget Resources drilled two holes totaling 459 metres on their Schaft Creek North project (104G 190), later called the LaCasse zone by Teck. Copper Fox Metals announced an updated combined Measured and Indicated resource estimate of 1,393.30 million tonnes grading 0.25 per cent copper, 0.019 per cent molybdenum, 0.18 gram per tonne gold, and 1.55 gram per tonne silver using a 0.2 per cent copper equivalent cut-off (

In 2008, Copper Fox employed up to 90 people to acquire information for environmental assessment of a proposed 100 000 tonne per day open pit copper mine. Work focused on geotechnical drilling of the pit margins (the northeast high wall in particular) and at the Skeeter valley tailings impoundment east of the deposit. New mineralization was encountered by drilling east of the Paramount zone. An IP survey was completed over the plant site to detect mineralization that might be alienated by development.

In 2009, Copper Fox Metals continued in the pre-application stage of the environmental assessment process for a proposed 100 000 tonne per day open pit copper mine. There was little activity on the Schaft Creek project since a preliminary feasibility study in 2008

In 2010, Copper Fox Metals completed work comprising geologic modeling that included re-logging and assaying of historic core, a three-dimensinal IP and magnetotellurics survey and geotechnical, resource and condemnation drilling. A positive feasibility study will trigger a time-limited option for Teck Resources to earn back a larger share of the project from Copper Fox. Resource drilling focused on the Liard zone.

In 2011, Field activities during 2011 included resource, geotechnical and exploration drilling and an airborne geophysical survey. Resource delineation drilling successfully extended the Paramount zone both east and west along strike and at depth. Seventeen holes were drilled totalling 6523 metres including geotechnical drilling. Highlight results include 387.8 metres averaging 0.49 per cent copper, 0.3 grams per tonne gold, 0.04 per cent molybdenum and 2.43 grams per tonne silver from 287 metres in drill hole 2011-CF411. Geotechnical drilling focused on open pit slope design. Exploration focused on searching for high-grade starter-pit options and included five drill holes totalling 1868 metres. Results from a TITAN-24 DCIP – MT (deep penetrating induced polarization-magnetotellurics) survey identified multiple extensions to zones of known chargeability. A new area of chargeability identified west of the Liard zone is sparsely drill tested with historic intercepts over 1 per cent copper over 10 metres. During 2011, Precision GeoSurveys Inc. completed a high resolution aeromagnetic total field magnetic survey over a large portion of the Schaft Creek project (Assessment Report 33242). A total of 2520 line-kilometers of magnetic data were flown for this survey; including tie lines and survey lines. The airborne magnetic survey identified 3 distinct positive magnetic signatures that correlate with the Schaft Creek deposit and the ES and GK zones of copper mineralization.

An updated resource estimate reported in July were measured plus indicated resources totalling 1010 million tonnes averaging 0.27 per cent copper, 0.017 per cent molybdenum and 0.18 grams per tonne gold; additional inferred resources total 283.6 million tonnes averaging 0.24 per cent copper, 0.011 molybdenum and 0.15 grams per tonne gold. Cut-off grades were 0.2 per cent copper equivalent (Exploration in BC 2011, page 21).

In 2012, Copper Fox Metals Inc continued exploring extensions and testing geophysical anomalies at the Schaft Creek project. An updated resource estimate announced in May reported measured resources totalling 146.6 million tonnes grading 0.31 per cent copper, 0.24 gram per tonne gold, 1.78 grams per tonne silver and 0.017 per cent molybdenum; indicated resources totalling 1,081 million tonnes grading 0.26 per cent copper, 0.19 gram per tonne gold, 1.69 grams per tonne gold and 0.017 gram per tonne silver and inferred resources totalling 597.1 million tonnes grading 0.22 per cent copper, 0.17gram per tonne gold, 1.65 grams per tonne silver and 0.016 per cent molybdenum. Copper Fox was expected to release a feasibility study by the end of 2012 (Exploration in BC 2012). Ground activities included geophysical surveys, drilling, ground truthing targets, and acquisition of adjoining mineral tenures. A total field magnetic survey added 2500 line-kilometres to the existing surveyed area and helped define targets drilled later in the year. Drilling totaled 2266 metres and generally targeted IP signatures similar to those associated with known mineralization in the Schaft Creek trend. Four holes targeted the Discovery Zone (104G 030), and two holes targeted the Mike Zone (104G 031). Highlight results included 47.0 metres grading 0.62 per cent copper, 0.59 gram per tonne gold, 2.02 grams per tonne silver and 0.006 per cent molybdenum from 509.0 metres in drill hole CF-427-2012 on the Discovery zone (Assessment Report 33938).

The airborne survey identified two very large, unexplored zones of mineralization exposed in outcrop. The first zone (named the ES Zone) is located approximately 3 km north of the Paramount Zone deposit and measures at least 1100 metres long by 300 metres wide. The second zone (named the GK Zone) is located approximately 3 kilometres north of the ES Zone and measures at least 1700 metres long by 250 metres wide. The ES zone is roughly equivalent to Schaft Creek North (104G 190) location later known as the LaCasse zone by Teck, while the GK zone covers the Late occurrence (104G 063) and is likely the Greater Kopper target of Teck in 2015 (Figure 8, Assessment Report 35967)

In July 2013, Teck and Copper Fox formed the Schaft Creek Joint Venture, with Teck resuming as the project operator. Subsequent to the formation of this joint venture, Teck completed a program of 9 drill holes totalling 3,453 metres in 2013. Drilling focused on testing eastern extensions of mineralization at the Paramount Zone and geotechnical studies of the proposed pit wall. During 2013 and 2014, Teck also completed regional geological mapping, relogging of historical core, geological modeling, and an airborne geophysical survey.

In 2014, Teck Resources re-logged over 16,867 metres of historic drill core at the Schaft Creek copper-gold-silver molybdenum deposit. Ongoing metallurgical, geotechnical, and environmental studies. Ongoing metallurgical, geotechnical, and environmental studies will enhance the 2013 feasibility report. Teck owns 75 per cent of the project and Copper Fox Metals Inc. retains 25 per cent.

In 2015, Mineralization identified at the LaCasse zone during 2014 was followed up by Teck Resource with 2,634 metres of diamond drilling in five drill holes. Drilling tested the volcanic-intrusive contact with the Discovery zone and depth extension of surface mineralization.

In 2016, Teck continued the collection of baseline environmental data. As well, 43,000 metres of legacy core was re-logged and the results possibly contributing to an update of the project’s mineral resource estimate.

In 2017-2018, the companies continued environmental base line studies and First Nations consultations.

In 2019, the SCJV continued environmental studies and revisions to key infrastructure at the main camp. Work is ongoing to complete technical and engineering improvements to reduce capital and operating costs associated with the 133 ktpy mine plan. The Schaft Creek project is managed through the Schaft Creek Joint Venture (SCJV), where Teck Resources Limited is the operator and holds a 75 per cent interest, while Copper Fox Metals Inc. holds the remaining 25 per cent.

In January 2021, an updated mineral resource of the Schaft Creek project was reported at 1 346 000 000 tonnes measured and indicated grading 0.26 per cent copper, 0.16 gram per tonne gold, 0.017 per cent molybdenum and 1.25 grams per tonne silver with an additional 344 000 000 tonnes inferred grading 0.17 per cent copper, 0.11 gram per tonne gold, 0.013 per cent molybdenum and 0.84 gram per tonne silver within an optimized ultimate pit shell (Tetra Tech Canada Inc. [2021-01-15]: Mineral Resource Estimate Update for the Schaft Creek Property, British Columbia, Canada).

EMPR AR 1959-7; 1964-13; 1965-40; 1966-26; 1967-29; 1968-39
EMPR BULL *95; *104
EMPR EXPL 1976-E184; 1977-E224; 1980-472; 1981-154; 2003-11; 2004-27; 2005-30; 2007-11,15; 2008-12; 2009-8; 2010-26,27; 2011-21; 2012-36; 2013-49; 2014-107; 2015-132; 2016-160; 2017-16,127; 2018-129; 2019-33
EMPR GEM 1969-46; 1970-49; 1971-39; 1972-527; 1973-505; 1974-337
EMPR MAP 58; 64; 65 (1989)
EMPR OF 1992-1; 1992-3; 1998-8-K, pp. 1-22; 1998-10
EMPR PF (Resource World Magazine (February 2005):
GSC MAP 9-1957; 11-1971; 1418A
GSC P *71-44, p. 25
CIM BULL Vol. 68, No. 758, pp. 49-63, June 1975
CIM Special Vol. 15, p. 219
CMH 1973-1974
GCNL #194, 1972; Dec. 1973; Dec. 11-17, 2005; Oct. 23, 2008
PR REL Copper Fox Metals Sep.8, 2004; Oct.25, 2005; Nov.*23, Dec.*19, 2006; Oct.*23, 2008; Nov.18, 2009; Jun.11, Jul.28, Sep.17, Nov.4, 16, Dec.*12, 2010; Feb.*3, *23, Jul.26, Sep.6, 23, Oct.17, Nov.*15, Dec.*12, 2011; Feb.3, May *31, Jun.*1, Aug.*2, Sep.4, 25, Oct.*17, 21; Dec.*19, 2013; Sep.10, Oct.23, 2014; Feb.9, 2015
N MINER Oct. 5, 1972; Dec. 11-17, 2005; Oct. 23, 2008; May 1, 2015
NMINER Jan. 14 -20, Volume 98; Jul 29 - Aug 4, 2013 Volume 99 Number 24
*Teck Resources Limited, 2018 Annual Information Form, date of filing Feb.27, 2019.
*Tetra Tech Canada Inc. (2021-01-15): Mineral Resource Estimate Update for the Schaft Creek Property, British Columbia, Canada