This occurrence is underlain by Upper Triassic andesites of the Stuhini Group. These are badly shattered by numerous faults but not greatly altered. Four shatter zones occur in which the rock fragments have been partly or wholly cemented by calcite. These zones vary from 0.3 to 4.6 metres in width and may be up to 60 metres in length. Three of the zones strike northeast and the fourth strikes east. All dip steeply to the southeast.
Quartz veins bearing chalcopyrite, bornite and pyrite in scatter- ed grains and irregular masses are found within the shattered zones. The veins are generally small, ranging from a few millimetres to several centimetres in width, but may attain widths up to 0.75 metres.
A sample of the 0.75 metre wide vein contained 63.8 grams per tonne gold, 7.2 grams per tonne silver and 2.1 per cent copper. A chip sample across a 1.8 metre section contained 14.1 grams per tonne gold, 27.4 grams per tonne silver and 2.0 per cent copper.