The VR4 area is underlain by Lower Jurassic andesitic rocks of the Hazelton group and Middle to Upper Jurassic sedimentary rocks of the Hazelton Group. Upper Triassic rocks of the Stuhini Group occur to the immediate south and Jurassic rocks of the Bowser Group occur to the north.
The highest assay from a rock chip (sample 15026), taken by Orequest near the northeast corner of the VR4 claim, assayed 1.17 grams per tonne gold from a 50-centimetre-wide pyrite-bearing shear zone in andesite, though it has a strike length of only 5 metres (Assessment Report 19744). This zone also contains 0.098 per cent copper and 6.0 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 19744).
Weak copper anomalies occur in quartz veined andesites on the eastern VR-4 claim which locally contain up to 10 per cent pyrite as disseminations and blebs.
Work History
The VR claims were originally staked in 1987 by Teuton Resources Corp who conducted a rock and silt sampling program. Thirty-five rock geochemical samples and forty-one silt samples were collected during the survey (Assessment Report 17217). Results of this work showed a moderate gold-copper anomaly in silt samples at the confluence of two drainages. In late 1988, the CCM 1, CCM 2 and CCM 3 claims were staked followed by the Atkins claim in early 1989. These 4 claims together with the VR-4 and VR-6 comprised the VR project.
In 1989 an exploration program was conducted by OreQuest Consultants Ltd at the request of Prime Explorations Ltd, on behalf of Tymar Resources Inc. The program consisted of an electromagnetic and VLF-EM, survey that covered 210 line kilometers over the claims (Assessment Report 18992). This was followed up by mapping, prospecting, rock, soil and stream geochemistry. In total, 938 soil, 49 silt, 3 heavy mineral and 90 rock chip samples were collected (Assessment Report 19744).
In 1990, Orequest, on behalf of Tymar, collected a further 85 rock and 568 soil samples and conducted 28.7 kilometres of ground magnetic and VLF-EM surveying (Assessment Report 21323).
In 2020, Eskay Mining Corp. completed a program of prospecting, rock sampling, ground and airborne geophysical surveys and 4335 metres of diamond drilling in 20 holes on the area as part of the Sib-Corey-North Mitchell property. The geophysical surveys consisted of a 911.7 line-kilometre airborne electromagnetic survey, a 55.85 line-kilometre induced polarization survey and a 43.19 line-kilometre magnetotelluric survey. Drilling was performed on the TV (MINFILE 104B 385) and Jeff (MINFILE 104B 525) occurrences.