The area of the Claude Cirque showing is underlain by Devonian to Permian Stikine Assemblage rock which is overlain by Upper Triassic rock of the Stuhini Group. This stratigraphy is intruded to the east by the Late Triassic Seraphim Mountain Pluton, consisting of quartz monzonitic rock, and to the northeast by the Early Jurassic Zippa Mountain Plutonic Complex, which ranges compositionally from leuco-syenite to mafic syenite and pyroxenite.
In 1989, Corona Corporation prospected the MAC 1, 2, ZIP 1 and 2 claims (of the Inhini property) and collected 24 heavy mineral, 19 silt and 163 rock samples (Assessment Reports 19969). In 1990, Link Resources Inc. carried out a 700-kilometre airborne magnetic and EM survey over the entire Inhini Property (Assessment Report 20972).
In 1989, reconnaissance prospecting of a weak gossan in Claude Creek located a narrow (10 centimetre wide), vertically dipping quartz shear vein containing galena, sphalerite, tetrahedrite and pyrite. A sample of this vein (24237) assayed 4170.21 grams per tonne silver, 1.83 grams per tonne gold, 3.80 per cent zinc, 2.5 per cent lead and 0.5 per cent copper (Maps 7b and 8b, Assessment Report 19969).
The host rock, an orange weathering weakly ankerite altered, weakly siliceous, fragmental-tuff or flow breccia, appears to have been cut by two narrow shear zones. A hornblende porphyritic dike parallels these shear zones to the east. The fragmental unit adjacent to these shears contains disseminated pyrite, sphalerite and trace chalcopyrite. Several trenches were blasted across this shear zone and channel samples taken.