The area of the DD 2 showing is underlain by Devonian to Permian Stikine Assemblage rock overlain by Upper Triassic rock of the Stuhini Group. The stratigraphy is intruded by Triassic to Tertiary stocks of the Coast Plutonic Complex.
In 1989, Corona Corporation prospected the Lisa 1, 2, 5, DD2 and JJ2 claims (of the Inhini property) and collected 31 heavy mineral, 25 silt and 141 rock samples (Assessment Reports 19972). In 1990, Link Resources Inc. carried out a 700-kilometre airborne magnetic and EM survey over the entire Inhini Property (Assessment Report 20972).
This showing consists of a narrow mineralized quartz vein that occurs in a shear zone. The vein is hosted in metasedimentary rocks; argillites, minor marble and mudstones that have been cut north of the showing by a tan quartz-feldspar porphyry dike.
The vein is generally less than 0.5 metre wide, swelling locally to 1.6 metres. The shear strikes north and dips shallowly (20 to 30 degrees) to the east. Mineralization in the vein is disseminated galena, sphalerite, hematite, chalcopyrite and tetrahedrite. Toward the north end of the shear vein, it swells and mineralization becomes more massive. Hematite becomes the predominant mineral with minor amounts of galena, sphalerite and chalcopyrite. The vein/shear zone can be traced over 150 metres; however, mineralization and the quartz vein are not continuous in the shear over this distance. The vein/shear terminates on the north end against a shear in a creek.
The showing was subsequently trenched to obtain chip/channel samples across the structure. Of 14 samples taken in 1989, the highest gold content was in sample 54247 that assayed 2.77 grams per tonne gold, 1377.61 grams per tonne silver, 0.86 per cent copper and greater than 1 per cent lead and 1 per cent zinc over 1.0 metre (Assessment Report 19972).