The Inhini 8 (Grizzly vein) showing occurs in an area of Devonian to Permian Stikine Assemblage rock overlain by Upper Triassic rock of the Stuhini Group. The stratigraphy is intruded Triassic to Tertiary stocks of the Coast Plutonic Complex.
In 1989, Corona Corporation prospected the Inhini 5 to 8 and 16 (of the Inhini property) and collected 33 heavy mineral, 30 silt and 31 rock samples (Assessment Report 19150 and 19901). In 1990, Link Resources Inc. carried out a 700-kilometre airborne magnetic and EM survey over the entire Inhini Property (Assessment Report 20972).
Although several quartz veins and quartz vein talus boulders were found by Corona in 1989, all were reported to be narrow and barren or containing only minor amounts of galena, sphalerite, or pyrite. A float sample (55186) of sphalerite-chalcopyrite and galena-bearing quartz vein that assayed 430.98 grams per tonne silver focused attention in one area where the Grizzly vein was located.
This vein cuts argillite and is 0.1 to 0.2 metre wide, locally swelling to 0.5 metre and can be traced intermittently for 30 metres. The vein is limonite stained, rusty and in places, vuggy. Minerals present include galena, sphalerite, pyrite and chalcopyrite. Fourteen samples taken from this vein ran up to 0.32 gram per tonne gold, 264.69 grams per tonne silver, 0.16 per cent copper, 1.84 per cent lead and 0.4 per cent zinc (Assessment Report 19901).