The Mount Raven showing occurs in an area of Devonian to Permian Stikine Assemblage rock. This package is intruded to the west by the Early Jurassic Zippa Mountain Plutonic Complex, which ranges compositionally from leuco-syenite to mafic syenite and pyroxenite, and to the east it is intruded by the Late Triassic Seraphim Mountain Pluton consisting of quartz monzonitic rock.
In 1989, Corona Corporation prospected the ZIP 5-8 claims (Inhini property) and collected 5 panned concentrate silt, 5 silt and 21 rock samples. In 1990, Link Resources Inc carried out a 700-kilometre airborne magnetic and EM survey over the entire Inhini Property (Assessment Report 20972).
Minor narrow (2 to 20 centimetre) quartz veins that can be traced for up to 20 metres occur in shear zones along the contact of a large granodiorite intrusion with thinly bedded limestone units. All veins appear to be small and low grade. The highest grade sample, from a 15 to 20 centimetre quartz vein in a shear zone, hosts pyrite and trace arsenopyrite and assayed 1.8 grams per tonne gold and 18.6 grams per tonne silver (Sample 55318, Assessment Report 19834).
A quartz vein in granodiorite 700 metres southeast of the above described vein contained chalcopyrite, pyrite and galena. It assayed 0.53 gram per tonne gold, 102.52 grams per tonne silver and 4.33 per cent copper (Sample 55305, Assessment Report 19834).